[Updated] Class 11 English Section I Unit 1 Education And Humanity Ways with words Solution

Book Soluction Nepal

Section I

Unit 1

 Education And Humanity

Ways with words

A. Find the words from the text which mean the following.

a. a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission

Answer 👉 envoy

b. the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect

Answer 👉 dignity

c. harm done to someone in response to harm

Answer 👉 revenge

d. a person who holds extreme views in political or religious matters

Answer 👉 extremist

e. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others

Answer 👉 compassion

f. a person who is believed to speak for God

Answer 👉 prophet

g. the study of the nature of knowledge, reality and existence

Answer 👉 philosophy

h. the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage or destroy

Answer 👉 violence

i. an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things

Answer 👉 prejudice

B. Match the words on the left with their opposite meanings on the right.

Answer 👉 

honour – disgrace

innocent – guilty

brutality – kindness

forgiveness – punishment

illiteracy – literacy

C. Using dictionary

a. Study the dictionary entry above and answer these questions.

i. What is the headword in the first entry?

Answer 👉 The headword in the first entry is Humanity.

ii. How many meanings of the word ‘humanity’ are given?

Answer 👉 Four meanings of the word ‘humanity’ are given.

iii. What do the abbreviations U, OPP, pl, and sth stand for?

Answer 👉 U, OPP, pl and sth stand for uncountable, opposite, plural and something respectively.


iv. What is the British English spelling of ‘humanize’?

Answer 👉 The British English spelling of ‘humanize’ is humanise.

v. How is the word ‘humanize’ pronounced?

Answer 👉 The word ‘humanize’ is pronounced as /ˈhjuːmənaɪz /.

vi. If we say Every person should have the sense of humanity, which meaning of ‘humanity’ is applied?

Answer 👉 When the phrase "sense of humanity" is used, it typically refers to a person's compassion, empathy, and concern for the well-being and dignity of other people, especially those who are vulnerable or in need. In this context, "humanity" refers to the qualities and characteristics that define being human, such as kindness, generosity, and the ability to show understanding and support for others. By saying "every person should have the sense of humanity," the emphasis is on the importance of treating others with respect and dignity, and recognizing our shared humanity despite our differences.

b. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.

i. advance analysis amuse assure allergy attain aid anxiety acute agreement

Answer 👉 acute, advance, agreement, aid, allergy, amuse, analysis, anxiety, assure, attain

ii. smoke small smart speaking smelling smoothly smuggler smashed smearing smallpox

Answer 👉 small, smallpox, smart, smashed,speaking, smearing, smelling, smoke, smoothly, smuggler,

iii. terminal terminate terminology termite terms terrace terrible terribly

Answer 👉 terminal, terminate, terminology, terms, terrace, terrible, territory, terror


Answer the following questions.

a. Why did the speaker receive thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world?

Answer 👉 The speaker received thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world because they made a public announcement that they were looking for 100 cards for their 100th birthday. This announcement generated a lot of attention and people from all over the world responded by sending cards and gifts to the speaker as a way of wishing them a happy birthday.

b. According to the speaker, what are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers struggling for?

Answer 👉 According to the speaker, hundreds of human rights activists and social workers are struggling for the rights and protection of individuals, who are often marginalized and discriminated against, and for a more just and equitable society.

c. What has she learned from Gandhi?

Answer 👉 She learned the value of nonviolence from Gandhi.

d. In what sense is peace necessary for education?

Answer 👉 According to the speaker, peace is necessary for education because it creates a safe and secure environment that allows children to focus on learning. Without peace, children are often forced to flee their homes and face dangers such as violence, abuse, and exploitation. This disrupts their education and puts them at risk, making it difficult for them to build a better future for themselves and their communities. The speaker highlights the importance of creating and maintaining peace so that every child has the opportunity to receive a quality education and reach their full potential.

e. According to the speaker, what are the main problems faced by both men and women?

Answer 👉 According to the speaker, the main problems faced by both men and women are poverty, inequality, lack of access to education, and discrimination. The speaker highlights that these issues affect both genders, but women are often impacted more severely due to gender-based violence, limited access to healthcare, and unequal pay. The speaker also mentions that these problems are interrelated and must be addressed holistically to achieve a more equal and just society.

f. What is Malala calling upon all governments?

Answer 👉 According to the speaker, Malala is calling upon all governments to provide free and compulsory education for every child, regardless of gender.

g. What is the main message of this speech?

Answer 👉 The main message of this speech is that every child, regardless of gender, deserves the right to education and that peace is necessary for education to thrive. The speaker, Malala, is calling upon all governments to prioritize the education of children, particularly girls, and to create peaceful environments where children can learn and grow. She emphasizes the struggles faced by both men and women in accessing education and highlights the efforts of human rights activists and social workers in advocating for education rights. The speech advocates for a world where every child has the opportunity to receive a quality education, which is essential for the development of individuals, communities, and the world as a whole.

Critical thinking

a. ‘All children have the right to quality education. How can we ensure this right to every child? Discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school.’

Answer 👉 To ensure that every child has the right to quality education, both the government and parents play important roles.

The government's role is crucial in ensuring access to education for all children. They can do this by investing in education infrastructure and resources, such as building schools and providing educational materials, as well as by enacting policies that promote inclusivity and equity in the education system. Additionally, the government can work to ensure that teachers are well trained and paid fairly, which can help to improve the quality of education that children receive.

Parents also have a significant role to play in making sure that their children have access to quality education. They can support their children's education by encouraging them to attend school regularly and to do their best, as well as by providing a safe and supportive environment for learning at home. Parents can also help by advocating for better educational opportunities and resources in their communities, and by working with their local schools and government to improve the education system.

In conclusion, both the government and parents have important responsibilities to ensure that every child has the right to quality education. By working together, they can help to create an education system that is inclusive, equitable, and provides all children with the opportunities and resources they need to succeed.

b.’Do you think that there is still discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of providing education in our country? What strategies do you suggest to overcome such discrimination against girls?’

Answer 👉 

Yes, unfortunately, discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of access to education still exists in many countries, including Nepal. Some of the strategies that could be used to overcome such discrimination against girls are:

Raising Awareness: It is important to raise awareness about the importance of education for all children, regardless of gender, and the negative effects of discrimination. This could be done through media campaigns, community meetings, and workshops.

Providing financial support: Many families in Nepal may not be able to afford to send their daughters to school. Providing financial support for school fees, uniforms, and supplies can help increase enrollment and reduce dropout rates for girls.

Improving school infrastructure: Improving school infrastructure, such as building separate toilets for girls, can make schools a more comfortable and safe place for girls to attend.

Encouraging community involvement: Engaging local communities in the education process can help to build support for girls’ education and reduce discrimination. This could be done through involving local leaders, teachers, and parents in discussions and workshops on the importance of education for all children.

Increasing female role models: Highlighting successful women who have overcome discrimination and achieved success through education can inspire girls to pursue their own education and break down gender stereotypes.

It is important to note that while these strategies can help reduce discrimination, a comprehensive and sustained effort is needed to ensure that all children, regardless of gender, have equal access to quality education.

c. ‘A Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.” What is the meaning of this saying? Elaborate this with examples.’

Answer 👉 

The saying by Confucius is a proverb that speaks to the importance of investing in education for the long-term future. The metaphor used in the saying compares different investments with different time horizons: planting rice for one year, planting trees for ten years, and educating children for one hundred years. The message of the saying is that education is the most valuable investment one can make, as its benefits can last for many generations.

For example, if you invest in planting rice, you will only get a short-term benefit, as the crop will only last for one year. On the other hand, if you invest in planting trees, the benefits will be more long-lasting, as the trees will provide benefits for ten years or more. However, the greatest investment of all is in educating children, as the benefits of a good education can last a lifetime and can be passed down to future generations. Investing in a child's education not only benefits the individual, but also the society as a whole, as educated individuals are more likely to contribute to their communities in positive ways.


Classify the underlined words into different word classes.

a. The man who is wearing glasses is my uncle’s friend.

Answer 👉 

who – pronoun

wearing – verb

my – determiner

b. I bought a round table in the supermarket.

Answer 👉 

round – adjective

the – determiner

c. Alas, she is dead.

Answer 👉 

Alas – interjection

d. Hari works very hard all the time but his wife is very lazy.

Answer 👉 

hard – adverb

wife – noun

very – adverb

e. I have never been to Japan.

Answer 👉 

never – adverb

f. Ann drove a car safely.

Answer 👉 

Ann – Noun

Safely – Adverb

g. Nobody has claimed it.

Answer 👉 

nobody – pronoun

it – pronoun

h. She cut her hand with a knife.

Answer 👉 

her – determiner

with – preposition

i. They have postponed the program because of rain.

Answer 👉 

have – verb

because of – preposition

rain – noun

j. Everybody comes to the party.

Answer 👉 

everybody – pronoun

k. All such people ought to be avoided.

Answer 👉 

all – determiner

such – determiner

l. All of the food has gone.

Answer 👉 

all – pronoun

m. What was that noise?

Answer 👉 

what – pronoun

n. One must not boast of one’s own success.

Answer 👉 

one – pronoun

o. Nobody was there to rescue the child.

Answer 👉 

nobody – pronoun

p. Neither of the accusations is true.

Answer 👉 neither – pronoun

q. Neither answer is correct.

Answer 👉 

neither – determiner

r. Here is the book that you lent me.

Answer 👉 

here – adverb

that – pronoun

s. Without health there is no happiness.

Answer 👉 

without – proposition

health – noun

happiness – noun


a. Recall your school days. Write in three paragraphs of an event that you always remember.

Answer 👉 One event that I always remember from my school days in Nepal was when I was in 7th grade. Our school organized a field trip to Chitwan National Park. It was my first time visiting a national park, and I was so excited to see all the different animals up close. We went on a jungle safari and saw one-horned rhinos, elephants, and even a Bengal tiger from a safe distance. It was a beautiful day, and the whole experience was incredibly educational. I learned about the importance of wildlife conservation and how we can work together to protect our natural resources.

Another event that stands out in my mind is when I was in 10th grade. Our school organized an inter-school debate competition, and I was selected to represent my school. I was nervous, but also excited to showcase my speaking skills. The topic of the debate was "The Importance of Education in Building a Better Future." I remember feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment when I won the competition. The experience taught me the importance of preparation, public speaking, and how education can help shape our future.

Finally, one more event that I always remember from my school days was when I was in 12th grade. It was graduation day, and I was filled with mixed emotions. On one hand, I was sad to be leaving my school and friends, but on the other hand, I was excited to start a new chapter in my life. The graduation ceremony was filled with speeches and awards, and I felt proud to have made it this far. It was a day that I will never forget, and it reminded me of how much I had grown and how much I had learned during my school years.

b. "Education empowers a person". Elaborate this statement giving examples of your personal experience.

Answer 👉 

Education has the ability to provide individuals with knowledge, skills, and confidence, which in turn can help them make informed decisions and achieve their goals. It provides a sense of empowerment and helps individuals to gain control over their own lives. By gaining knowledge and skills, people are better equipped to participate in society, advocate for their own rights and the rights of others, and make a positive impact on their communities.

For example, an individual who has a strong educational background may be more confident in their ability to secure a job and negotiate their salary. They are also better equipped to make informed decisions about their health, financial investments, and political participation. Education can also empower people to start their own businesses, or become advocates for important causes they believe in.

In short, education empowers individuals by providing them with the tools they need to succeed and make a positive impact in the world. It is an essential tool for personal and societal growth, and can be instrumental in breaking the cycle of poverty and inequality.

Project Work

Visit a woman who is famous in your community. Ask her questions how she was able to attend school and the struggle she made for education. Prepare a poster of her life story and present it in class.

Answer 👉  This is the project work so do yourself. This is the sample how to collect data.

Research the woman's background: Start by gathering information about the woman you would like to visit and her education journey. Ask her friends, family members, or community members if they have any information that could be useful.

Prepare a list of questions: Write down a list of questions you would like to ask the woman. Ask about her early life, what motivated her to pursue education, and the challenges she faced while trying to attend school.

Visit the woman and interview her: Set up a time to visit the woman and ask her the questions you prepared. Make sure to take notes during the interview so you can later use the information for your poster.

Create the poster: Once you have all the information you need, start creating the poster. You could include a picture of the woman, a brief biography, and a timeline of her education journey. Highlight the challenges she faced and how she overcame them. Also, mention how education has empowered her and how it has impacted her life.

Present the poster in class: Finally, present the poster in class and share the woman's story with your classmates. This will help raise awareness about the importance of education and inspire others to pursue their dreams.

By following these steps, you can create a meaningful poster that highlights the importance of education and the struggles that people face to attain it.

Class 12 English Unit 1 Education And Humanity  Ways with words full solution

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