Class - 12 English Guide : Unit 3 Essays 4. Humility Solution

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Class - 12 English

Unit 3 Essays

Chapter - 4 Humility

Yuval Noah Harari


In his essay "Humility," Yuval Noah Harari argues that humans' technological advancements have made us more powerful than ever before, but this power comes with a price. In order to navigate the complex and unpredictable world we have created, Harari believes we need to embrace humility as a virtue.

Harari begins by pointing out that humans have made incredible technological strides in recent centuries, allowing us to conquer nature and bend it to our will. However, this has also led to an increase in human suffering, as well as environmental destruction on a massive scale. Harari believes that humility is necessary in order to address these problems.

According to Harari, humility is not the same as weakness or passivity. Rather, it involves recognizing our own limitations and fallibility, and acknowledging that we do not have all the answers. This is particularly important in a world where problems are increasingly complex and difficult to solve.

Harari also argues that humility can help us to be more empathetic and compassionate towards others. By recognizing our own faults and limitations, we are better able to understand and relate to others who may be struggling with similar challenges.

In conclusion, Harari suggests that humility is a necessary virtue for navigating the challenges of the modern world. By recognizing our own limitations and approaching the world with a sense of humility, we can work towards creating a better and more just society for all.

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a. Describe the claim of the Chinese nationalists about human history.

 The Chinese nationalists claim that Chinese civilization is superior to all other civilizations, and that the Chinese people have a unique role in human history.

b. What do pious Muslims believe about human history?

 Pious Muslims believe that human history began with the creation of Adam and Eve, and that the history of humanity is a continuous struggle between good and evil.

c. What did the Aztecs firmly believe about the universe?

 The Aztecs firmly believed that the universe was in a state of constant conflict between the forces of creation and destruction, and that human sacrifice was necessary to maintain the balance of the universe.

d. What, according to the essay, are the universal human abilities?

 According to the essay, the universal human abilities are those that all humans share, regardless of culture or nationality. These include the ability to communicate through language, to imagine and create, to cooperate in groups, and to experience emotions such as love, anger, and fear.

e. How are the basic yoga postures derived from the shape of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet?

The essay does not mention anything about the basic yoga postures being derived from the shape of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This seems to be unrelated to the topic of the essay, which is humility in the face of the vastness and complexity of human history.

Reference to the context

a. How do Hindu nationalists refute the Chinese claim that human history began with the Yellow Emperor and the Xia and Shang dynasties? Who do you agree with, and why?

According to the essay, Hindu nationalists refute the Chinese claim that human history began with the Yellow Emperor and the Xia and Shang dynasties by asserting that the Hindu civilization is actually the oldest and most superior civilization in the world. They claim that the Hindu civilization existed even before the Chinese civilization, and that the Chinese borrowed many cultural and scientific ideas from India. They also point out that the Hindu civilization has contributed more to human history than the Chinese civilization, including the invention of the number system and the concept of zero.

In the Hindu holy books of Hindus, different evidence of discoveries and inventions are found long before any scientists proved them. Hinduism is found to be the oldest religion in the world according to various scientific as well as archaeological studies. Thus I agree with the Hindu nationalists over Chinese claims through different evidence that was found in Hinduism.

b. The author has dealt with a controversial debate on human history. Why do you think history has been a major contested issue in the present world?

 History has been a major contested issue in the present world because it is often used as a tool to promote nationalism, assert cultural superiority, and justify political and economic power. Different groups and societies have different interpretations and narratives of history, which can often conflict with each other.

Moreover, history is not a fixed and objective account of the past, but rather a constructed narrative based on the interpretation of available evidence. Historians may have different perspectives and biases, and the historical accounts are often influenced by the social, cultural, and political contexts of their time.

In the present world, the contested issues of history can have significant implications for political and economic power, as well as for the cultural identity and national security of different groups and societies. Therefore, it is important to approach history with an open and critical mind, and to acknowledge the diversity and complexity of human experiences and contributions throughout history.

Reference beyond the text
a. Write a short essay on The Conflicting History of Human Civilization.
The history of human civilization is a complex and multifaceted subject that has been the subject of much debate and controversy. Different civilizations and cultures have developed their own unique perspectives and narratives on the history of humanity, which often conflict with each other.

For example, the Chinese nationalists claim that Chinese civilization is superior to all other civilizations, and that the Chinese people have a unique role in human history. Hindu nationalists assert that the Hindu civilization is the oldest and most superior civilization in the world, and that India has made more contributions to human history than any other civilization. Pious Muslims believe that human history began with the creation of Adam and Eve, and that the history of humanity is a continuous struggle between good and evil.

These conflicting narratives of human history can lead to political and cultural tensions and can be used to promote nationalism, assert cultural superiority, and justify political and economic power. However, it is important to acknowledge that human history is a complex and multifaceted subject, and different civilizations and cultures have made significant contributions to human history in their own ways. It is important to respect and appreciate these contributions, rather than promoting one civilization over others.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize that historical narratives are often shaped by social, cultural, and political contexts, and can be influenced by biases and perspectives. It is therefore essential to approach history with an open and critical mind, to acknowledge the diversity and complexity of human experiences, and to strive for a more inclusive and nuanced understanding of human history.

b. The author claims, “Since it is more polite to criticize one’s own people than to
criticize foreigners.” Do you agree to his claim? Give your reasons. 

The author claims, “Since it is more polite to criticize one’s own people than to criticize foreigners.” While this may be true in some cultural contexts, I do not entirely agree with the claim. I believe that it is important to approach criticism in a constructive and respectful manner, regardless of the cultural or national identity of the person or group being criticized.

Criticism can be a powerful tool for growth and improvement, and it is essential for building a more just and equitable society. However, criticism that is rooted in prejudice, stereotypes, or cultural chauvinism can be counterproductive and can lead to division and conflict. It is important to approach criticism with empathy and understanding, and to strive for a more inclusive and respectful dialogue. Ultimately, I believe that the best way to promote positive change and growth is through mutual respect and collaboration, rather than through criticism and division.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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