Unit 2 Family Guide: Class 12 English Language Development solutions

Book Soluction Nepal

Unit 2 Family 

Answer Sheets..............................

Working with words

A. Find the words from the text and solve the puzzle. Clues are given below.
Answer 👉 

1. the custom of having more than one wife at the same time – Polygamy
5. to find an acceptable way of dealing with opposing ideas, needs etc. – Conflict
6. the process in which towns, streets, etc. are built where there was once countryside – Urbanization
7. the process by which somebody learns to behave in an acceptable way in their society – Socialization

1. ruled or controlled by men – Patriarchy
2. the act of taking over a position – takeover
3. done in a way without caring if people are shocked – surprise
4. single–parent – lone-parent

B. Find the meanings of the following family–related words and use them in your own sentences.

Nuclear family
A nuclear family is a family unit consisting of a mother, father, and their children living together.
Example: The nuclear family is the most common family structure in the Western world.

Monogamy is the practice of having only one spouse or partner at a time.
Example: Many cultures around the world practice monogamy, in which individuals commit to a single partner for life.

A sibling-in-law is the spouse of one's sibling, or the sibling of one's spouse.
Example: My sister-in-law is coming to visit us this weekend.

Milk kinship
Milk kinship is a cultural practice in which a child is breastfed by a woman who is not their biological mother, creating a familial bond.
Example: In some cultures, milk kinship is used to create social and familial ties between individuals who are not biologically related.

Meaning: Matrilineal refers to a family structure in which family lineage and inheritance are traced through the mother's side of the family.
Example: In matrilineal societies, women often have greater authority and decision-making power than men.

Meaning: Nepotism is the practice of favoring one's relatives or family members in hiring or other decisions, rather than considering their qualifications.
Example: The company's policy strictly prohibits any form of nepotism.

Meaning: Maternity refers to the state or experience of being a mother, including pregnancy and childbirth.
Example: The new mother is taking maternity leave to care for her newborn baby.

C. The following words are from the above text. Each word has two parts.
poly, un, non, dis and in are prefixes. They make new words when they are added to the beginning of other root words.
Make at least five words using the prefixes given. Consult a dictionary to learn how they change the meaning of root words.

Pre – preposition, precaution, previews, prefer, prepare
Semi – semi abandoned, semiabstract, semiarid, semi casual, semi-conductor
Sub – subconscious, subjugate, submissive, subordinate, subsidiary
Mis – misunderstand, mistake, misbehave, mistrust, misspell
Mono – monochrome, monocot, monocular, monoplane, monopoly
Un – unhappy, unhealthy, untouchable, undo, unemployment
In – internal, inflated, inject, informal, infant
Inter – Intermission, interactive, intercept, interchange, interlock


A. The headings of the first five paragraphs of the above text are given below. Write paragraph number next to them.
a. Patriarchal family – 3
b. Functions of the family – 2
c. Modern model of family – 5
d. Effects of industrialization on family structure – 4
e. Defining family – 1

B. Answer the following questions.

a. What type of family is thought to be the oldest form of the family?
The nuclear family is thought to be the oldest form of the family.

b. How does a family provide security to its members?
A family provides security to its members through emotional, financial, and physical support, as well as a sense of belonging and identity.

c. What were the features of medieval European family?
The medieval European family was characterized by its extended family structure, patrilineal descent, and a focus on maintaining the family's social and economic status.

d. What caused the dissolution of extended families in the West?
The dissolution of extended families in the West was caused by a variety of factors, including urbanization, industrialization, and the rise of individualism.

e. What change occurred in gender role in the modern family that emerged after the Industrial Revolution?
Following change occurred in gender role in the modern family that emerged after the Industrial Revolution:
(i) Patriarchal rule began to give way to greater equality between the sexes.
(ii) Family roles once considered exclusively male or female broke down.
(iii) Some couples choose not to marry legally.
(iv) The rising levels of divorce led to increase in the number of one-parent households.

f. What is family law?
Family law refers to the body of laws that govern family relationships, including marriage, divorce, child custody, and adoption.

g. How is modern marriage defined?
Modern marriage is generally defined as a legally recognized union between two individuals who are committed to each other and share a domestic life.

h. What do special family courts try to do?
Special family courts try to resolve legal disputes and issues related to family relationships, including divorce, child custody, and child support.

i. What does the legislation on child labor and child abuse declare?
Legislation on child labour and child abuse declares that it is illegal to exploit or harm children, and outlines punishments for those who do so.

j. What is common among most legal systems regarding property?
Most legal systems regard property as something that can be owned and transferred between individuals, and have laws to govern its acquisition, use, and disposal.

Critical Thinking

a. What changes have started to occur in Nepali families in recent days? What impacts will they bring on the society? Discuss.

In recent days, Nepali families are experiencing changes in various aspects, including family size, marriage patterns, and gender roles. With modernization and urbanization, nuclear families have become more common, and people are choosing to marry later, have fewer children, and pursue education and career opportunities. These changes can have both positive and negative impacts on society. On the positive side, smaller families may lead to better education and health outcomes for children, and more opportunities for women to pursue education and work outside the home. However, there may also be negative impacts such as increased loneliness and isolation for elderly family members, and reduced social support and community cohesion.

b. We see many elderly people in the elderly homes these days in Nepal. Some of them are abandoned while others live there willingly. Do you think Nepali people are deviating from their traditional culture? Give reasons.
The trend of elderly people living in elderly homes in Nepal is a relatively recent phenomenon, and it is not necessarily a sign that Nepali people are deviating from their traditional culture. Rather, it may reflect changing social and economic circumstances, such as urbanization, migration, and changing family structures. In traditional Nepali society, it was common for elderly people to live with their children or other family members, but this may no longer be feasible or desirable in today's context. Furthermore, some elderly people may choose to live in elderly homes because they provide social interaction and support, and may offer better care and living conditions than their families are able to provide. However, it is important to ensure that elderly people are not abandoned or mistreated, and that they have access to the support and care they need, whether from family or from other sources.


a. Write an essay on The Importance of Family. In your essay, you can use these guided questions.
• Why family is important to you.
• Why family is or is not important for society
• How you think families will change in the future.

The Importance of Family

A. The Importance of Family

Family is an essential part of our lives, and it plays a crucial role in shaping us as individuals. It is the basic unit of society, and it provides us with a sense of identity, belonging, and security. Family members are our first teachers, and they teach us valuable lessons about life, love, and relationships.

To me, family is important because it has been a source of support, comfort, and guidance throughout my life. My family has always been there for me in good times and bad, and I know that I can count on them no matter what. They have helped me to become the person that I am today, and I am grateful for their love and support.

Family is also important for society because it provides a stable foundation for the development of individuals and communities. It is through families that we learn values such as respect, responsibility, and cooperation, which are essential for social cohesion and harmony. Families also provide care for the young, the elderly, and the sick, which is vital for the well-being of society as a whole.

However, not all families are the same, and some families may not be able to provide the support and care that is necessary. In such cases, it may be necessary for society to step in and provide the necessary support to ensure that families are able to function effectively.

In the future, families are likely to change as society changes. With the increasing pace of life and the rise of technology, families may become more dispersed and less closely-knit. However, the importance of family is unlikely to diminish, and families will continue to be an important part of society.

b. Some people think it is better to live in a nuclear family. Other people think that living in an extended family is more advantageous. What do you think? Write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Living in a nuclear family, which consists of parents and their children, has many advantages. One of the main advantages is the greater level of privacy and independence that is available. In a nuclear family, each member has their own space, and there are fewer conflicts and misunderstandings. This can lead to greater harmony and a more peaceful home environment.

On the other hand, living in an extended family, which includes grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins, has its own advantages. One of the main advantages is the greater level of social support and care that is available. In an extended family, there are more people to share the responsibilities of caring for children, the elderly, and the sick. This can lead to a stronger sense of community and family identity.

However, there are also disadvantages to living in both types of families. In a nuclear family, there may be a lack of support and care, which can lead to isolation and loneliness. In an extended family, there may be conflicts and misunderstandings, which can lead to tension and division.

Ultimately, the choice of living in a nuclear family or an extended family depends on individual circumstances and preferences. Some people may prefer the independence and privacy of a nuclear family, while others may prefer the sense of community and support that comes with an extended family. Both types of families have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the most important thing is to find the family structure that works best for you and your loved ones.


B. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

a. ‘How much was your parking ticket?’ ‘Fifty rupees.’ ‘Oh well, it could have been worse.’

b. It must have. got lost in the post. These things happen sometimes.

c. ‘Sorry I’m late. I got delayed at work.’ ‘You must have called. I was really worried about you.’

d. ‘I don’t think he meant to be rude.’ ‘He must have said sorry.’

e. ‘Whose signature is this?’ ‘I don’t know. It could be Manoj’s. That looks a bit like an M.’

f. I had it when I left the office so I mustn’t have. lost it on the way to home.

g. You must have think it’s funny, but I think it’s pathetic.

C. Complete the following sentences with appropriate endings. Use correct modal verbs.

a. At the end of the course, we must be prepared for the individual presentation.

b. If you want to earn a lot of money, I would suggest some tips.

c. You were not in your house yesterday. You could have your belongings stolen.

d. I’m quite busy tomorrow. I must visit my dentist.

e. When you were a small kid, you could ask for money from your relatives.

f. My car is broken. I should take it to the service center.

g. I’ve got a fast speed internet at home. I can watch movies in high quality.

h. Even though she didn’t study well, she could solve all the problems.

i. There are plenty of newspapers in the library. You can read any of them if you want.

j. What do you think you were doing, playing in the road? You could have been hit by the car.

k. I have no time. I can’t meet you.

l. You don’t look well. You should take a rest.

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