Class - 12 English Guide : Unit 3 Essays Chapter - 1 On Libraries Solution

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Class - 12 English

Unit 3 Essays

Chapter - 1 On Libraries

Question Answer......

In his essay "On Libraries," neurologist and author Oliver Sacks reflects on the importance of libraries as a cultural institution and their value to society. Sacks argues that libraries are more than just a repository of books; they are an essential part of the collective memory and culture of a community.

Sacks recalls the various libraries he has visited throughout his life, including grand libraries in Europe and small, local libraries in the United States. He notes that libraries not only contain a vast collection of books, but they also provide a space for people to come together to learn, share ideas, and engage in conversation. In this sense, libraries are a vital community resource that fosters intellectual and social connections.

Sacks also highlights the role of librarians as curators and guides. He emphasizes the importance of their knowledge and expertise in helping people find the information they need and making connections between seemingly disparate topics. This, he argues, is what sets libraries apart from other information sources like the internet.

In conclusion, Sacks stresses the importance of preserving and supporting libraries as a vital cultural institution. He notes that in an age of rapid technological change, it is more important than ever to have a space where people can come together to learn, explore, and connect. Ultimately, Sacks argues that libraries are an essential part of a healthy and vibrant society.

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a. Where could the author be found when he was late for lunch or dinner?

According to the essay "On Libraries" by Oliver Sacks, when the author was late for lunch or dinner, he could often be found in the library.

b. What are his first memories?

Sacks' first memories are of the public library in his hometown, which he visited often with his mother. He recalls being awestruck by the vastness of the library and the endless possibilities it presented.

c. Why did he dislike school?

Sacks disliked school because he felt it was too rigid and did not allow for the kind of exploration and curiosity he craved. He found the memorization and regurgitation of facts to be tedious and unfulfilling.

d. What did he feel about at the library?

Sacks felt a sense of awe and wonder at the library, which he describes as a "magical realm" filled with endless knowledge and possibilities. He found solace and inspiration in the vast collection of books and the sense of community that the library fostered.

e. Why was he so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry?

Sacks was biased towards sciences, especially astronomy and chemistry, because he found them to be the most captivating and mysterious fields of study. He was drawn to the beauty and complexity of the natural world and the mysteries that lay beyond human understanding.

f. Why did he become so fascinated by Hook?

Sacks became fascinated by Robert Hooke, a 17th-century scientist and inventor, because of his versatility and his contributions to fields as diverse as biology, physics, and architecture. Sacks admired Hooke's ability to bridge the gap between theory and practice and his unwavering curiosity and creativity.

g. Describe library at the Queen’s College.

The library at the Queen's College, Oxford was a magnificent and imposing building that housed an enormous collection of books. Sacks describes it as a place of "beauty, majesty, and intellectual splendor" that had a profound impact on him.

h. Why did the students ignore the bookshelves in the 1990s?

In the 1990s, many students at the Queen's College ignored the bookshelves and the vast collection of books because they were too focused on digital resources and the internet. Sacks laments this shift away from traditional library resources and the loss of the sense of community and intellectual curiosity that libraries foster.

i. Why was he horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago?

Sacks was horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago because he found that it had been transformed into a space for socializing and studying, with few books in sight. He laments the loss of the traditional library as a cultural and intellectual hub and the shift towards a more utilitarian, technology-driven model.

Reference to the context

a. The author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” Justify it with the textual evidences.

In his essay "On Libraries," Oliver Sacks describes himself as a poor student who struggled with the rigidity and rote memorization of the traditional educational system. However, he also notes that he was a good listener, particularly when it came to his experiences in libraries. Sacks writes that he "had a passion for listening, and libraries provided the best opportunity for this, the best chance to eavesdrop unobtrusively on other people's conversations, perhaps to learn something."

Sacks goes on to describe his experiences of listening to conversations in the library, both with other patrons and with the books themselves. He writes of "the deep, almost mystical thrill of overhearing secret and private conversations, of listening in to a symphony of voices and ideas." Thus, while Sacks may not have excelled in a traditional classroom setting, his experiences in the library demonstrate his passion for learning and his ability to engage with ideas and knowledge in a different way.

b. A proverb says, “Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library.” Does this proverb apply in the essay? Explain.

 The proverb "Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library" certainly applies to Oliver Sacks' essay "On Libraries." Throughout the essay, Sacks describes the library as a place of wonder, beauty, and intellectual excitement. He writes of the "magic" of the library and the sense of awe he experienced as a child when he first entered the public library in his hometown.

Sacks also describes the library as a place of exploration and discovery, where one can lose oneself in the endless possibilities of the collection. He writes that "in a library, every book exists side by side with every other book, and it is this sense of endless possibility, of infinite potential, that makes a library so exciting to explore." Thus, the proverb that "nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library" is certainly applicable to Sacks' essay and his experiences in the library.

c. Are there any other services that you would like to see added to the library?

Yes, There are many services that could be added to the library to make it an even more vibrant and accessible resource for the community. One potential service is the integration of more technology into the library, such as digital resources, e-books, and interactive exhibits. This would help to bridge the gap between traditional library resources and the digital age, making the library even more accessible and user-friendly.

Another potential service would be the inclusion of more community outreach programs and events, such as book clubs, author talks, and workshops. This would help to foster a sense of community and intellectual curiosity, while also providing opportunities for patrons to engage with one another and learn from each other's experiences.

Finally, libraries could also expand their services to include more resources for underprivileged or marginalized communities, such as job training programs, language classes, and support services for individuals with disabilities or mental health issues. This would help to make the library an even more inclusive and accessible resource for all members of the community.

Reference beyond the text
a. Write an essay on Libraries and its uses for students.
Libraries and its Uses for Students

Libraries are an invaluable resource for students of all ages. They provide a wealth of knowledge and information that can help students succeed in their academic pursuits and beyond. Libraries are more than just a place to borrow books; they are a hub of resources and support that can help students achieve their goals.

First and foremost, libraries offer a vast collection of books and other materials that can help students with their studies. From textbooks to reference materials, libraries have it all. Students can find books on any subject, whether it is for a school project or personal interest. They can also access e-books and audiobooks, making it easier for them to read and learn at their own pace. Moreover, libraries often have access to digital databases, providing students with scholarly articles, research papers, and other sources of information that may not be available on the internet.

Apart from books, libraries offer a range of services that can be helpful for students. For instance, libraries often have computer workstations that students can use to work on their assignments or access online resources. They may also offer printing and photocopying facilities, making it easier for students to prepare their assignments or other materials. Additionally, libraries have trained staff who can help students with their research and answer any questions they may have. They can also assist students with locating resources or accessing online databases.

Libraries are also a great place for students to study and work on their assignments. They provide a quiet and peaceful environment, free from distractions. This can be especially beneficial for students who may not have a conducive environment at home. Libraries also offer group study spaces, making it easier for students to collaborate on group projects and assignments.

In conclusion, libraries are an important resource for students. They provide access to a vast collection of books, other materials, and resources that can help students succeed in their academic pursuits. Libraries also offer a peaceful and supportive environment for students to study, work on assignments, and collaborate with others.

b. Do you have any public library in your locality? If so, do the people in your community use it? Give a couple of examples.
Yes, there is a public library in my locality. It is a medium-sized library, situated in the heart of the town, easily accessible by all. The library offers a variety of services, including borrowing books, access to digital resources, and a reading room.

The library is quite popular in the community, and many people, including students, use it regularly. For instance, students often visit the library to borrow textbooks, reference books, and other study materials. They also use the reading room to study and work on their assignments. The library is particularly busy during exam season when students come to revise and prepare for their exams.

Apart from students, the library is also frequented by other members of the community. Many people come to borrow books, read newspapers and magazines, or access the internet. The library also offers a range of community events, such as book clubs, writing workshops, and cultural programs, which attract a diverse range of people.

In conclusion, the public library in my locality is a valuable resource that is used by many people in the community. It provides access to books, digital resources, and other materials that can help students and other members of the community. The library is a hub of activity, offering a range of services and events that cater to the diverse needs and interests of the people in the community.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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