Unit - 1 Short Stories Chapter 4 Guide : The Treasure in the Forest Class 12 English Solution

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 Unit - 1 Short Stories

Chapter 4. The Treasure in the Forest

H.G. Wells

4. The Treasure In The Forest
Question Answers....................


"The Treasure in the Forest" is a short story by H.G. Wells that follows a group of soldiers on a mission to secure a strategic forest during a war. As they march through the forest, the soldiers begin to uncover a buried treasure that had been hidden by a wealthy family before they fled the country.

The discovery of the treasure sets off a series of events that ultimately leads to the downfall of the commanding officer, Major Brown. Despite orders from his superiors to secure the forest and move on, Major Brown becomes obsessed with the treasure and insists on searching for more, even at the risk of his men's safety.

As the soldiers continue their search, they begin to fall victim to a mysterious illness that leaves them weak and unable to fight. It is revealed that the illness is caused by toxic fumes emanating from the treasure, which has been buried for so long that it has become a dangerous source of pollution.

In the end, Major Brown is disgraced and his men are left weakened and vulnerable, all because of their obsession with the treasure. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and the importance of prioritizing the safety and well-being of others over personal gain.

Wells also uses the story to comment on the destructive nature of war and the toll it takes on both soldiers and civilians. The treasure in the forest represents the wealth and resources that are squandered in times of war, while the soldiers' obsession with it reflects the way that war can warp our priorities and lead us to make irrational and dangerous decisions.

Overall, "The Treasure in the Forest" is a gripping and thought-provoking story that offers a powerful commentary on the human condition and the dangers of greed and obsession. Through his vivid descriptions and expert storytelling, Wells creates a vivid and unforgettable tale that continues to resonate with readers today.

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a. Describe the expository scene of the story.
 The expository scene of the story sets the background and the main plot of the story. The story is set in the early 20th century in a forest located in South America. The story begins with the introduction of the two main characters, Evan and Hooker, who are amateur treasure hunters. They meet in a small town where they plan to explore the forest in search of a treasure that is rumored to be hidden in the area. The expository scene also introduces the forest as a dangerous place where there are poisonous snakes and hostile tribes.

b. What does the map look like and how do Evan and Hooker interpret it?
Evan and Hooker discover a map that shows the location of the treasure, which is on an island in the middle of a lake. The map is old and faded, but it shows the outline of the lake and the island. Evan and Hooker interpret the map by using a compass and measuring the distance from the lake to the town. They believe that the map is accurate and decide to search for the treasure on the island.

c. How did Evan and Hooker know about the treasure?
Evan and Hooker hear about the treasure from a man who claims to have seen it. The man is now dead, and they find his body on the way to the island. He had told them about the treasure before he died, and they believe that he was telling the truth.

d. Describe Evan’s dream.
Evan has a dream in which he sees a man on the island who warns him to leave the treasure alone. The man tells him that the treasure is cursed and that anyone who takes it will suffer the consequences. Evan wakes up and tells Hooker about his dream, but they decide to continue with their plan to search for the treasure.

e. What do the two treasure hunters see when they walk towards the island?
When the treasure hunters walk towards the island, they see a strange mist that seems to be coming from the lake. As they get closer, they see that the mist is caused by thousands of small insects that are flying above the water.

f. In what condition did the treasure hunters find the dead man?
The treasure hunters find the dead man lying on the ground with a snake nearby. He appears to have died from a snakebite. They also find a note in his pocket that confirms the location of the treasure.

g. How did the treasure hunters try to carry gold ingots to the canoe?
 Evan and Hooker find the gold ingots in a cave on the island. They decide to take as much gold as they can carry to their canoe, but they soon realize that the gold is too heavy. They try to cut the ingots into smaller pieces, but they are unable to do so. In the end, they decide to carry as much gold as they can and leave the rest behind.

h. How were Evan and Hooker poisoned?
Evan and Hooker are poisoned by the gold ingots. The gold is contaminated with a poisonous substance that has been leaching into the metal for many years. The poison enters their bodies through their skin and causes them to become sick. They both die soon after they return to the town.

Reference to the Context

a. How do you know the story is set on a tropical island?

The story “The Treasures in the Forest” has been set on a tropical island. It begins with two men, Evans and Hooker, heading in a canoe towards a coral island in the heat of the sun. It’s atmosphere, naturally variable ecosystems, thicker and green forest, freshwater lakes and streams, salt marshes and mudflats (wetland), mangrove and coastal forests, fringing and offshore coral reefs, and deep sea represents that the story is set on a tropical island.

b. Why do you think Evan and Hooker took such a risk of finding the buried treasure on a desert island?

I think Evan and Hooker took such a risk of finding the buried treasure on a desert island because of their greed for wealth. They took it as a challenge and the risks as rewards. They were also attracted by the fact that it was the treasure left behind by a shipwrecked h4ish galleon which may cost millions of dollars. So they became crazy about the treasure and took such a risk of finding the buried treasure on a desert island.

c. Do you think the narrator of the story is racist? If yes, what made him feel superior to other races?

Yes, I find some sort of racist feelings in the narrator of the story when he presents Evan and Hooker as superior to that of the Chinese man in the story. In fact, a racist is a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards people based on their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. In the story, we find the Chinese man was brutally killed by Evans and Hooker. When Hooker said to Evans, “Have you lost your wit?”, it also reflects dominating nature of Hooker over Ivan. Thus, many instances in the story state that the narrator of the story looks like a racist.

d. What do you think is the moral of the story?

The moral of the story is that peoples can do anything for money. They can take any kind of risks for it. As in the story Evan and Hooker killed a Chinese man brutally to get their way to treasure buried in the desert, people can even take lives of other. It’s greed that is the disordered desire for more than is decent, not for the greater good but one’s own selfish interest, and at the detriment of others and society at large. Greed can be for anything but is most commonly for money or treasures and power which is much more. At the end of the story, Evan and Hooker both were poisoned. This shows that greediness leads to the destruction. So we should not run behind the money and treasure, rather than focus on our dreams and be happy with the things as much as we have.

Reference beyond the text

a. Interpret the story as a mystery story.

The Treasure in the Forest’ can be interpreted as a mystery story. The story contains several elements of a mystery story, including a hidden treasure, a map that leads to the treasure, and a warning of a curse. The treasure hunters have to solve the clues to find the treasure, which adds to the suspense and intrigue of the story. The mystery of the cursed treasure adds to the sense of danger and uncertainty, which keeps the readers engaged throughout the story. The story also contains several plot twists, such as the discovery of the dead man and the poison in the gold ingots, which add to the complexity and intrigue of the story. Overall, ‘The Treasure in the Forest’ is a well-crafted mystery story that keeps the readers engaged from beginning to end.

b. Treasure hunting is a favorable subject of children’s story. Remember a treasure hunting story you read in your childhood and compare and contrast it with ‘The Treasure in the Forest.’

Treasure hunting is a popular subject of children’s stories, and there are several classic tales that involve treasure hunting. One such story that I remember reading in my childhood is ‘Treasure Island’ by Robert Louis Stevenson. ‘Treasure Island’ is a classic adventure story that revolves around the search for a hidden treasure. The story follows the adventures of a young boy named Jim Hawkins, who finds a treasure map and sets off to find the treasure with a group of pirates.

When comparing ‘The Treasure in the Forest’ with ‘Treasure Island,’ there are some similarities and differences. Both stories involve a hidden treasure, a map that leads to the treasure, and the search for the treasure. However, ‘Treasure Island’ is a much more complex story that involves several characters with their own motives and agendas, whereas ‘The Treasure in the Forest’ is a more straightforward story that focuses on the two main characters and their search for the treasure. ‘Treasure Island’ also contains more action and adventure, including ship battles and pirate attacks, whereas ‘The Treasure in the Forest’ is a more contemplative and psychological story that explores the dangers of greed and the consequences of obsession. Overall, both stories are great examples of the treasure hunting genre, but they approach the subject in different ways and with different tones.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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