Unit 5 Education English Class 12 Guide Section I

Book Soluction Nepal

Class - 12

Unit 5 Education

Answer Sheets..................

Working with words

A. Match the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’.

a. expectantly

Answer 👉 in a way that shows you are hoping for something, especially something good or exciting

b. beckon

Answer 👉 to give signal to somebody to move nearer or to follow you

c. grapple

Answer 👉 to try hard to find a solution to a problem

d. texture

Answer 👉 the way food or drink tastes or feels in your mouth

e. cobbled

Answer 👉 having a surface that is made of small round stones

f. flimsy

Answer 👉 thin and easily torn

g. attire

Answer 👉 clothes, especially fine or formal ones

h. marvelous

Answer 👉 extremely good; wonderful

i. dynamics

Answer 👉 the science of the forces involved in movement

B. An autobiography is a story of a person’s life, written by himself/herself. Use a dictionary and find the meanings of the following words related to people’s life stories.


a biography that idealizes or idolizes its subject


a biography that analyzes the psychological and emotional aspects of its subject's life and personality.


a biography that focuses on the physical and emotional suffering of its subject, especially in relation to illness or disease


a factual written account of events in the order in which they happened


a notice of someone's death, often including a brief biography.

Character sketch

a brief written description or portrayal of a person's character or personality


a concise summary or description of someone's life, achievements, and personality


an autobiographical account of personal experiences, especially those involving notable people or events.


A. Put the following events in the life of Abdul Kalam in a chronological order.

Answer 👉 

c. Abdul Kalam attended an elementary school at Rameswaram.
f. One day Abdul Kalam’s teacher visited them to share his pride and pleasure about his performance.
a. They celebrated happiness with poli.
g. A new teacher in the school forbade Abdul Kalam to sit together with his Bramhin friend.
e. Many students did not understand well of Sivasubramania Iyer’s lecture.
d. He then took the students to the seashore for a practical class.
b. Abdul Kalam was determined that he would make a future study about flight and flight systems.

B. Answer the following questions.

a. What were the causes of Abdul Kalam’s happiness?

 Answer 👉 The causes of Abdul Kalam's happiness were the fulfillment of his childhood dream of flying, the success he achieved in his academic and professional life, and the opportunity to serve his country as a scientist and president.

b. Which two places did Abdul Kalam visit before going to school?

Answer 👉 Before going to school, Abdul Kalam visited Rameswaram, his birthplace, and the famous pilgrimage center of Tirupati.

c. What did he like about mathematics?

Answer 👉 Abdul Kalam liked the logic and structure of mathematics, which he believed could explain the mysteries of the universe.

d. Why was the new teacher unhappy?

Answer 👉 The new teacher was unhappy because he saw that a Brahmin boy Ramanadhan Sastry and a Muslim boy Abdul Kalam sitting together in a same bench in the classroom.

e. Why did Abdul Kalam have to split with his intimate friend?

Answer 👉 Abdul Kalam had to split with his intimate friend because they had different aspirations and could not agree on their future plans.

f. What was the topic of Sivasubramania Iyer’s class?

The topic of Sivasubramania Iyer’s class was how the birds could fly in the sky.

g. How was the teacher’s reaction when the students told him that they did not understand his lecture?

Answer 👉 The teacher was surprised and appreciative when the students told him that they did not understand his lecture, as it showed that they were interested in learning and wanted to improve.

h. Why did Sivasubramania Iyer take his students to the seashore?Answer 👉 Sivasubramania Iyer took his students to the seashore to teach them about the wonders of the ocean and the diverse life forms that inhabit it.

Critical Thinking

a. APJ Abdul Kalam became a renowned aerospace scientist in his later life. Do you find any association of his childhood days in shaping his career? Explain with specific instances from the text.

Answer 👉APJ Abdul Kalam's childhood played a crucial role in shaping his career as a renowned aerospace scientist. Kalam's early experiences and upbringing instilled in him a strong sense of determination, hard work, and commitment to education. His father Jainulabdeen was a devout Muslim who encouraged his children to study and learn about science and technology, and his mother Ashiamma was a kind and supportive figure in his life. Kalam's family was not wealthy, and he had to work hard to support himself and his education.

Kalam's love for science and mathematics was evident from a young age. He was curious about how things worked and was fascinated by the stars and the universe. He loved reading books on science and math and spent long hours experimenting with various gadgets and machines. Kalam's interest in science led him to pursue a degree in aeronautical engineering, which eventually led him to his career in the field of aerospace.

Kalam's childhood experiences also taught him valuable life lessons, such as the importance of honesty, hard work, and perseverance. He learned to face challenges head-on and never give up, which served him well throughout his career. For example, when he was rejected by the Indian Air Force for being too tall, Kalam did not let that setback discourage him. Instead, he pursued his dream of working in the field of aeronautics and ultimately became a highly respected scientist and engineer.

b. Kalam mentions an instance of discrimination against him in his school life. What picture of society does he want to depict by mentioning the incident? Discuss.

Answer 👉 Kalam mentions an instance of discrimination against him in his school life, where his teacher ridiculed him for being a Muslim and belonging to a lower caste. This incident highlights the deeply ingrained caste and religious prejudices that existed in Indian society at the time and the challenges that individuals from marginalized communities faced. Kalam wanted to depict the harsh reality of social discrimination and its damaging effects on individuals and society.

The incident not only affected Kalam's self-esteem but also made him realize the inequalities and injustices that exist in society. However, Kalam did not let this incident deter him from pursuing his dreams and worked hard to prove his worth. The incident also taught him to be empathetic and understanding towards others who face similar forms of discrimination and marginalization.

Overall, Kalam's childhood experiences and the challenges he faced in his early life played a significant role in shaping his career and the values he held dear. His commitment to hard work, education, and determination to overcome obstacles made him one of the most respected scientists of his time. Additionally, his experience with discrimination made him a vocal advocate for social justice and equality, and his legacy continues to inspire generations.


Write a short autobiography featuring your childhood life using the following guidelines.

Answer 👉 I was born in a tiny hamlet in Nepalgunj District's north-eastern region. My family is middle class. My family consists of five people, including myself. My venerable tailor-father comes first, followed by my gorgeous mother, a housewife. A younger sister and my eldest brother are other family members who are both currently enrolled in school.

My everyday schedule is centered on studying and attending courses because I'm a student. My daily regimen, which includes brushing my teeth, having a shower, and getting ready for class, begins when I awaken at 6:00 a.m. I then review my notes for the day and check my notes. My lessons used to typically begin at 8:00 am and conclude at 1:00 pm. I used to attend classes regularly. After classes, I hang out with my friends for a while and go back home. I reach home and then usually take a nap till 4:30 pm. After taking a nap, I go out and play. I usually come back by 6 and have a bath. After which I get ready to study and by 9:00, I go to the bed.

I used to play with my siblings quite a bit. I have really good memories of the games we used to play. We used to take our sports gear and hang out at the park, especially in the nights. We played a new game every day, such as cricket one day and football the next. I cherish these moments of having fun at the park. Most significantly, I recall this incident from a picnic with my family extremely well. We had a fantastic day and went to the zoo. My mother brought delicious food for us to eat at the zoo. My father clicked so many pictures that day. When I look at these pictures, the memory is so clear, it seems like it happened just yesterday. Thus, my childhood memories are very dear to me and make me smile when I feel low.


A. Study the following sentences and underline the connectives.

a. Although she spoke very fast, I understood what she meant to say.

b. In spite of her hard labour, she failed her exam.

c. Though he had all the required qualifications, he did not get the job.

d. Despite having all the qualifications, he did not get the job.

B. Join the following pairs of sentences twice, using although/though/even though and despite/in spite of as in the example.

Answer 👉 

a. He is a millionaire. He lives in a simple house.

– Although he is a millionaire, he lives in a simple house.
– Despite of being a millionaire, he lives in a simple house.

b. The weather was extremely bad. The pilot landed the plane safely.

– In spite of extremely bad weather, the pilot landed the plane safely.
– Although the weather was extremely bad, the pilot landed the plane safely.

c. We study in the same college. We hardly see each other.

– Despite studying in the same college, we hardly see each other.
– Although we study in the same college, we hardly see each other.

d. It rained heavily. We enjoyed our holiday.

– Although it rained heavily, we enjoyed our holiday.
– In spite of the heavy rain, we enjoyed our holiday.

e. I had an umbrella. I got wet in the rain.

– Despite having an umbrella, I got wet in the rain.
– Although I had an umbrella, I got wet in the rain.

f. I was really tired. I could not sleep for a moment.

– Although I was really tired, I could not sleep for a moment.
– I couldn’t sleep despite being very tired.

g. She has a very good accent in English. She failed the interview of a newsreader.

– Despite having a very good accent in English, she failed the interview of a newsreader.
– Although she has a very good accent in English, she failed the interview of a newsreader.

h. Lhasa has extremely cold weather in winter. Millions of tourists go there in January.

– Millions of tourists go to Lhasa in January, even though it has extremely cold weather in winter.
– Despite having extremely cold weather in winter, millions of tourists go to Lhasa in January.

i. He was badly injured in the first round of the boxing match. He was victorious in the third round.

– In spite of being badly injured in the first round of the boxing match, he was victorious in the third round.
– Although he was badly injured in the first round of the boxing match, he was victorious in the third round.

C. Complete each sentence in an appropriate way.

Answer 👉 
a. He passed the exam although he hadn’t prepared well.

b. She climbed the mountain in spite of her leg injury.

c. He did not give any alms to the beggars even though he earned a lot.

d. In spite of his poor eyesight, he is conducting online courses.

She does not go to parties, though she is very sociable.

f. He could not pass the test, in spite of his ten attempts.

g. He refused to eat anything despite having an appetite.

h. He could not score goods grades in the SEE exams in spite of his hard with private coaching.

i. She accepted the job although she couldn’t meet her salary expectation.

j. Even though we had planned everything carefully, we could not complete our mission.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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