Unit 14 Human Rights Guide : Class 12 English I Solution

Book Soluction Nepal

Class - 12

Unit 14 Human Rights

Answer Key......................

Working with words 

A. Pair the following words as opposites. . 

despair- hope 

kind- cruel 


strange- familiar 

normal- eccentric 

fierce- gentle 

selfish- generous 

corrupt- honest 


B. By adding a suitable suffix to each word in the table, form another word as in the examples below. 

Open-minded: Open-Mindedness 

Pain: Painful 

Less: Lessen 

Accommodate: Accommodation 

differ: different 

sure: Ensured 

Rehearse: Rehearsal 

behave: Behavioral 

Real: Realized 


Remark: Remarkable 

glory: glorified 

Angry: anger/angriness 

indifference: Indifferent 

power: Empowered 

Mix: mixture 

Thought: Thoughtful 

Prison: Prisoned 


A. Write True or False after each statement. Give reason for your answer. 
Answer 👉 

a. The author says his father was an ideal person in the family. 👉 False : he was an alcoholic. 

b. The author wanted to forgive his father but he did not get an opportunity.👉  False- because he had many stresses and pressures. 

c. It's worth forgiving a person if he/she realizes his/her mistakes. 👉 True 

d. South Africa had a dual type of education system in the 1960s. ðŸ‘‰  True 

e. The author lived in a joint family. False- No, in a small family. ðŸ‘‰  answer yourself

f. The author regretted not getting a chance to talk to his father. 👉 true 

g. According to the author, all our glories and splendors are short lived. ðŸ‘‰  True 

B. Answer the following questions. 

a. How does the author remember his family environment when he was a small boy? 

Answer 👉 The author remembers his family environment as a place where physical punishment was common and where his father was emotionally distant and uninvolved in the family.

b. Why does the author blame the system more than his father? 

 The author blames the system more than his father because he believes that the culture of corporal punishment and emotional distance in his family was perpetuated by larger societal norms and expectations.

c. How does the principle of forgiveness work? 

The principle of forgiveness involves letting go of anger and resentment towards those who have wronged us, and it can lead to emotional healing and the restoration of relationships.

d. How does the author interpret the noises, squalls and tantrums of his children? 

 The author interprets the noises, squalls, and tantrums of his children as a normal and healthy part of their emotional development.

e. Why did the author decide to educate his children in Swaziland? 

The author decided to educate his children in Swaziland because he wanted them to experience a different culture and learn from the diverse perspectives and values of others.

f. How does the author define human life? 

 The author defines human life as a journey of growth and development, filled with both joys and sorrows, and ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

g. According to the author, is it heredity or environment that shapes a man's character? Explain. 

According to the author, both heredity and environment play a role in shaping a person's character, but he emphasizes the importance of our choices and actions in determining who we become.

h. Why is forgiveness important in our life? 

 Forgiveness is important in our life because it allows us to move past hurt and anger, and to build stronger and more meaningful relationships with others. It also promotes emotional healing and personal growth.


A. Desmond Tutu once said, “Forgiving is not forgetting; it's actually remembering and not using your right to hit back. It's a second chance for a new beginning." Does this quotation apply to this text? Analyze. 

Yes, Desmond Tutu's quotation applies to the text as it describes the author's principle of forgiveness. The author believes in remembering the wrongdoing but not using the right to hit back. He suggests that forgiving is a second chance for a new beginning, just as Tutu mentioned in his quote. The author forgives his father, even though he does not forget the trauma he went through. Forgiveness is not about ignoring or denying the hurt that one has experienced but instead giving oneself the chance to let go of the resentment and start afresh.

b. The author interprets 'I am sorry' as three hardest words to say. How does it apply to your life? 

 The author's interpretation of 'I am sorry' as the three hardest words to say is relatable to many people. It is often difficult to acknowledge one's wrongdoing and ask for forgiveness. This is because apologizing requires one to accept their fault and the impact it has had on others. It can be hard to face the guilt and shame that comes with recognizing that we have caused harm. However, admitting our mistakes and asking for forgiveness is essential for healing, both for ourselves and the people we have hurt. It takes courage to apologize, but it is necessary for growth and building healthy relationships.


The author talks about the dual education system based on race in South Africa in the second half of the twentieth century. We also have private schools and public schools in Nepal. What should be done to make education equal to all citizens of Nepal? Write a couple of paragraphs expressing your views. 
To make education equal to all citizens of Nepal, there are a few key steps that need to be taken. First and foremost, the government needs to allocate more resources and funding to public schools. Public schools should be adequately equipped with modern facilities and qualified teachers, and the curriculum should be updated to be more relevant to the needs of the country.

In addition to investing in public schools, the government should also work towards ensuring that private schools are accessible to all. This can be achieved by providing scholarships and financial assistance to students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and by regulating private schools to ensure that they meet certain standards and provide quality education.

Furthermore, it is important to address the socio-economic inequalities that prevent many children from accessing education in the first place. This could involve providing basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare to underprivileged communities, as well as creating more job opportunities and training programs to empower parents to support their children's education.

Finally, it is essential to address issues of discrimination and social stigma that may prevent certain groups from accessing education. This could involve awareness campaigns and policies aimed at promoting diversity and inclusivity in schools and ensuring that all students feel safe and supported regardless of their background or identity. Ultimately, achieving equal access to education in Nepal will require a multi-faceted approach that addresses a range of issues related to infrastructure, funding, socio-economic factors, and social justice.


A. Join the following pairs of sentences using when and while. 

a. Bibha Kumari was doing her homework. The doorbell rang. 

- Bibha Kumari was doing her homework when the doorbell rang. 

- The doorbell rang while Bibha Kumari was doing her homework. 

b. I heard the telephone ring. I picked it up. 

-When I heard the telephone ring, I picked it up. 

c. Dil Maya found a thousand rupee note. She was washing her pants. 

-Dil Maya found a thousand rupee note while she was washing her pants. 

-Dil Maya was washing her pants when she found a thousand rupees note. 

d. Tenjing gave his measurements to the dressmaker. He was visiting the market yesterday. 

- Tenjing gave his measurements to the dressmaker while he was visiting the market yesterday. 

- Tenjing was visiting the market yesterday when he gave his measurements to the dressmaker. 

e. I was at the butcher's shop.I met Harikala. 

I was at the butcher's shop when I met Harikala. 

f. The sales agent was dealing with the customer. A thief stole the jewels. 

The sales agent was dealing with the customer when a thief stole the jewels. 

Athief stole the jewels while the sales agent was dealing with the customer. 

g. My small brother was sleeping. I played chess with my father. 

My small brother was sleeping when I played chess with my father. 

I played chess with my father while my small brother was sleeping. 

h. The old lady fell down. She was climbing up the stairs. 

- The old lady fell down while she was climbing up the stairs. 

- The old lady was climbing up the stairs when she fell down. 

I. The leader was giving a speech loudly. He lost his voice. -The leader was giving a speech loudly when he lost his voice. 

- The leader lost his voice while he was giving a speech loudly. 

J. Kanchan broke her backbone. She was lifting up the load. -Kanchan broke her backbone while she was lifting up the load. -Kanchan was lifting up the load when she broke her backbone.

B. Study the following sentences. 

Now, fill in the blanks with one of the connectives from the box. 

a. We didn't go for a morning walk today ............... it was raining - as 

b. I wanted to go home early .............. I was not feeling well. - because 

C. My brother stayed at home................his illness. -because of 

d. I was late in the class .................traffic jam. - because of 

E. He didn't like dogs................he was not happy when his wife brought a puppy home.
F. He was not included in the team ..............his knee injury. - due to 

G. ...............I was tired, so I went to bed early. -as 

h. He was very unhappy ............he lost one million rupees in the share market. - because 

I. We canceled our trip to Rara Lake ...................... the bad weather.- due to 

j. These two lines intersect with each other. ..............they are not parallel lines. -because

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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