Unit: 6 Money and Economy QR Code Guide, Class 12 English I Solution

Book Soluction Nepal

Class - 12

Unit: 6

Answer Sheets..........

Money and Economy

QR Code


Working with words

A. Match the words with their meanings.

a. Prominent 👉 ix. standing out so as to be seen easily, conspicuous

B. vulnerable 👉 iv. exposed to the possibility of being attacked / harmed

c. potentially 👉 viii. with the capacity to develop or happen in the future

d. transaction 👉 i. an instance of buying or selling of something

e. initiatives 👉 ii. the power or opportunity to do something before others do

f. launched 👉 iii. to introduce a new plan or product

g. enduring 👉 vi. lasting over a period of time; durable

h. robust 👉 v. strong and unlikely to break or fall


B. Find their full forms.

QR – Quick Response

ISO -International Organization for Standardisation

IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission

URLs- Uniform Resource Locators

EMVCo – Europay, Mastercard, and Visa Companies

PIN – Personal Identification Number


C. Vowel Sounds /ʊ/ and /u


Put- /pʊt/

Push- /pʊʃ/

Boom- /buːm/

Fool- /fuːl/

Food- /fuːd/

Hood- /hʊd/

loose - /luːs/v

full- /fʊl/

bull- /bʊl/

book- /bʊk/

foot- /fʊt/

boost- /buːst/

groom- /ɡruːm/

moon- /muːn/

soon- /suːn/

look- /lʊk/

hook- /hʊk/

cook- /kʊk/

should- /ʃʊd/

soot- /sʊt/

room- /ruːm/, /rʊm/

Soothe- /suːð/

stood - /stʊd/



A. True or False or NOT GIVEN

a. The system of QR codes was first launched in South Asia. - 

Answer 👉 False

b. The standards of payments via the QR codes were approved by EMVCo. -

Answer 👉 False

c. All sorts of businesses are aided by the QR code payments. -

Answer 👉 Answer yourself

d. There are several models to the QR code payment service.

Answer 👉 - False

e. In countries like Nepal, the QR code paying system is a complete fiasco. -

Answer 👉 Answer yourself

f. The QR codes payment service is not applicable to small businesses. -

Answer 👉 False


B. Answer these questions.

a. How can one pay with QR codes?

Answer 👉

To pay with a QR code payment system, a customer needs to scan the QR code presented by the merchant using their smartphone camera and confirm the payment amount on their device.


b.How did Tencent and Alibaba companies utilise the QR code services at the beginning?

Answer 👉

Tencent and Alibaba utilized QR code services to allow customers to pay for goods and services using their smartphones, thereby reducing the need for cash transactions.


c. How do the QR code based payment services launched by Visa and Mastercard mitigate problems?

Answer 👉

The QR code based payment services launched by Visa and Mastercard mitigate payment problems by adding additional security features such as tokenization and multi-factor authentication.


D. Why do we need a scheme operator to run the QR code based payment system?

Answer 👉

A scheme operator is needed to run the QR code based payment system to ensure standardization and interoperability across different payment service providers.


e. What Basic requirements are needed to use the QR codes services?

Answer 👉

To use QR code services, one needs a smartphone with a camera and a payment app installed. The payment app should be linked to a bank account or credit card for payment processing.


f. How can security concerns related to payment via QR codes be addressed?

Answer 👉

Security concerns related to payment via QR codes can be addressed by using secure payment apps, enabling biometric authentication, and avoiding sharing personal and financial information with unauthorized parties.


g. Who should be more careful: customer or the merchant in terms of payment issues? Why?

Answer 👉

Both customers and merchants should be careful with payment issues. However, merchants have a higher responsibility to ensure the safety and security of payment transactions and customer data.


h. Do you think the QR code based payment can be a panacea for all sorts of payment problems? Why?

Answer 👉

Yes, QR code based payment systems can help to address some payment problems such as reducing the need for cash transactions and improving convenience. However, it may not be a panacea for all payment problems as there are still security and interoperability issues that need to be addressed.


Critical thinking

a. Some business houses, shops and department stores in city areas have started to adopt QR code payment systems in Nepal, too. What should be done to make it more accessible? Discuss.

Answer 👉 To make QR code payment systems more accessible in Nepal, several steps can be taken. First, there should be a widespread awareness campaign to educate people about how QR code payments work and their benefits. This campaign should be carried out through various media channels, such as television, radio, social media, and print media. Second, the government should collaborate with banks and mobile wallet providers to ensure that there are enough point-of-sale terminals and other infrastructure to support QR code payments. Finally, businesses should be incentivized to accept QR code payments by offering lower transaction fees or tax benefits.



b. Is it possible to apply such cashless methods in payments in Nepal? Discuss.

 Answer 👉 

 It is certainly possible to apply cashless methods of payments in Nepal. The adoption of digital payments can bring several benefits, such as increased transparency, efficiency, and security. However, there are several challenges that need to be addressed. Firstly, there is a lack of proper infrastructure and connectivity in many parts of Nepal, which can limit the availability of digital payments. Secondly, there is a lack of awareness and trust in digital payment systems among the general public. Therefore, a widespread awareness campaign to educate people about digital payments and their benefits would be necessary. Finally, there is a need for a regulatory framework to govern digital payments and ensure their security and reliability. By addressing these challenges, Nepal can successfully shift towards a cashless economy.



B. Write a news article about digital payment systems in Nepal.

Answer 👉

Digital Payment Systems in Nepal

By Shivahari Poudel

October 24, Kathmandu


Digital payment systems are rapidly gaining popularity in Nepal as the country continues to move towards a more cashless economy. With the growing adoption of smartphones and the internet, digital payment systems are providing a more convenient and secure way of conducting financial transactions. In recent years, various banks and financial institutions in Nepal have launched their digital payment platforms, including mobile banking, e-wallets, and online payment gateways. These platforms allow users to make payments, transfer funds, and pay bills through their smartphones, laptops, or other internet-enabled devices. The adoption of digital payment systems in Nepal has been further accelerated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced people to avoid cash transactions and adopt contactless payment methods. The government of Nepal has also been actively promoting the use of digital payment systems in the country. In 2019, the government launched the 'National Payment Gateway,' a secure platform that allows customers to make online payments through multiple banks and financial institutions. Despite the growing adoption of digital payment systems in Nepal, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed. One of the main challenges is the lack of awareness and education among the general public about the benefits and usage of digital payment systems. Moreover, there is a need for more infrastructure development, such as high-speed internet connectivity, to support the increasing demand for digital payment services. In conclusion, digital payment systems are playing a crucial role in the development of Nepal's economy. With the government's support and the growing adoption by the public, digital payment systems are likely to become even more widespread in the coming years, providing a more convenient and secure way of conducting financial transactions.



A. Look at the following questions and say what type of questions they are.

a. Do you like this country?

Answer 👉 Choice question

b. Where is she from?

Answer 👉 Wh question

c. How many eggs do we need for this cake?

Answer 👉 Wh question

d. Whose children are playing in the yard?

Answer 👉 Wh question

e. Does she like ice cream or sweets?

Answer 👉 Yes/no question

f. She sent him an invitation, didn’t she?

Answer 👉 Question tag 

g. Could you tell me if the doctor is available?

Answer 👉 Indirect question 

h. Do you know how tall they are?

Answer 👉 Indirect question 

B. Choose the correct words from the box to complete the sentences.

a.……… your friend a scientist? – No, he's an artist.

Answer 👉 Is

b.……… Naresh live in Kathmandu? – No, he lives in Pokhara.

Answer 👉 Does

c. When …….. you get home? – I got home yesterday.

Answer 👉 did

d. What time …….. you get up? – I get up at 6:00.

Answer 👉 do

e.……… the children go to the part? – Yes, they went there after school.

Answer 👉 Did

f. Are ……… going to school? – No, I'm going home.

Answer 👉 you

g.……. you speak Chinese? – Just a little.

Answer 👉 Can

h.…….. did you grow up? – I grew up in Okhaldhunga.

Answer 👉 Where

C. Make wh-questions so that the words in bold become the answer.

a. Romeo loves Juliet.

Answer 👉 Whom does Romeo love?

b. My mother made delicious bread yesterday.

Answer 👉 What did your mother make yesterday?

c. The music was composed by Narayan Gopal.

Answer 👉 By whom was the music composed?

d. I'm looking for a new book.

Answer 👉 What are you looking for?

e. They were talking about the new movie.

Answer 👉 What were they talking about?

f. She got the idea from a story.

Answer 👉 Where did she get the idea from?

g. She always goes to school on foot.

Answer 👉 How does she go to school?

h. She sometimes goes to the cinema.

Answer 👉   How often does she go to the cinema?

i. They have been waiting for three years.

Answer 👉 How long have they been waiting?

D. Change these indirect questions into direct ones. 

a. Could you tell me where Market Street is? 

Answer 👉 Where is Market Street? Could you tell me....?

b. I'm longing to know what time the bank opens. 

Answer 👉 What time does the bank open? I'm longing to know...

c. Do you have any idea how he's managed to get in shape so quickly? 

Answer 👉 How has he managed to get in shape so quickly? Do you have any idea....?

d. I'd like to know how much this motorcycle costs these days. 

Answer 👉 How much does this motorcycle cost these days? I'd like to know...

e. Did you notice if he had left the car in the park? 

Answer 👉 Had he left the car in the park? Did you notice...?

f. Have you found out if the train has left?

Answer 👉 Has the train left? Have you found out...?

g. I was wondering if they speak English well. 

Answer 👉 Do they speak English well? I was wondering.....

h. Would you tell us how we can get to the post office from here? 

Answer 👉 How can we get to the post office from here? Would you tell us......?

i. Do you remember if I locked the front door? 

Answer 👉 Did I lock the front door? Do you remember.......?

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

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Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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