Unit 15 Leisure and Entertainment Guide : Class 12 English Solution I

Book Soluction Nepal

Unit 15 Leisure and Entertainment

Answer Key........................

Working with words


1. outdated, of or relating to the Middle Ages - MEDIEVAL

3. the character and atmosphere-ef a place - AMBIENCE

6. highly decorated - ORNATE

7. beat with a strong, regular rhythm; survive - THROB

10. with the agreement of all people involved - UNANIMOUSLY

11. the destructive effects of something- RAVAGES


1. a large city -METROPOLIS

2. wandering from place to place without any purpose - LOITERING

4. an unpleasant place; a place of extreme misery - HELLHOLE

9. an active revolt or uprising - INSURGENCY

8. paved with cobbles- COBBLED

9. prosperous and growing; flourishing- THRIVING

B. Look up the meanings of the following words +your dictionary.

👉 amenities- comforts, conveniences

👉 exquisite- extremely beautiful and delicate

👉 etiquette- good manners, protocols

👉 accommodation- living quarters, settlement

👉 mainstay- significant part of something

👉 antique- belonging to ancient time

C. Underline the content words in the following sentences.


a. cat sat lazily,  dirty mat.

b. gives performances, stage


c. count, chickens, hatched.

d. Came, saw, conquered.

e. life,identity.


Answer the following questions.

a. Why did the author and his classmates decide to visit Bandipur?

The author and his classmates decided to visit Bandipur to escape the chaos and stress of city life and to explore the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the town.

b. What is special about Bandipur?

Bandipur is special because it is a well-preserved Newari town with traditional architecture, culture, and lifestyle. The town is also surrounded by scenic hills and forests, making it an ideal place for nature lovers.

c. How has the business changéd in Bandipur today?

The business in Bandipur has changed from being solely agriculture-based to tourism-based. This change has led to the development of guesthouses, restaurants, and souvenir shops in the town.

d. Why do the local people who have migrated to Kathmandu visit Bandipur time and again?

Local people who have migrated to Kathmandu visit Bandipur time and again because it is a place of nostalgia for them. They have fond memories of their hometown, and visiting Bandipur allows them to relive those memories and reconnect with their cultural roots.  

e. How do the local people learn to speak English in Bandipur?

 Local people in Bandipur learn to speak English through various means, such as attending English classes, interacting with tourists, and watching English movies and TV shows.

f. What does the author mean when he says that ‘time stops in the town of Bandipur’?

When the author says that "time stops in the town of Bandipur," he means that the town has a peaceful and serene atmosphere that makes one forget about the rush of daily life. The slow pace of life and lack of modernization in Bandipur creates a feeling of timelessness and a sense of being transported to a different era.


a. The writer seems to believe that rural life is better than urban life. Do you agree with him?

The author of the passage, "Bandipur: A Town Caught in Time," seems to believe that rural life is better than urban life. However, whether or not one agrees with this perspective is subjective and depends on various factors. Some people may prefer the hustle and bustle of urban life, while others may prefer the peace and quiet of rural life. Additionally, one's job, family situation, and personal preferences can all play a role in determining which lifestyle is better for them.

It is true that living in a rural area can have its advantages, such as cleaner air, more space, and a closer connection to nature. However, it can also have its disadvantages, such as limited job opportunities, lack of access to certain amenities and services, and a potential sense of isolation. On the other hand, urban life offers access to a wider range of job opportunities, amenities, and services, as well as a more diverse community. However, it can also come with drawbacks such as pollution, high living expenses, and a faster-paced, more stressful lifestyle.

Ultimately, it is up to the individual to determine which lifestyle is best suited for them, as both rural and urban areas have their pros and cons.

b. Is the writer’s way of looking at Bandipur just a gaze of an urban tourist?
Why? Why not?
It can be argued that the writer's way of looking at Bandipur is both a gaze of an urban tourist and an appreciation for rural life. The writer acknowledges that he and his classmates were urban residents who were visiting a rural town, which can give his perspective a tourist-like quality. However, he also shows an appreciation for the slower pace of life and the natural beauty of the town.

It is possible that the writer's urban background influenced his perspective on Bandipur. As an urban resident, he may have been accustomed to a fast-paced lifestyle with access to many modern amenities. By contrast, Bandipur represents a simpler way of life, with its reliance on agriculture, slower pace, and lack of modern conveniences. However, the writer also acknowledges the charm and uniqueness of Bandipur and appreciates the opportunity to experience something different from his usual urban lifestyle.

Therefore, the writer's perspective can be seen as a mix of an urban tourist's gaze and an appreciation for rural life. This perspective can be valuable in promoting cultural exchange and understanding between urban and rural communities.


Write a letter to a business organization overseas describing the prospects of the tourism industry in your local place. Consider the following points in the letter.

* Propose to venture in the tourism business.

* Persuade the organization head ta visit the place once

* Clearly dig out the specialties and potentialities of the place.

* Explain its archeological and historical importance

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you from [Name of Place], a beautiful and scenic region in [Country Name]. As a native of this region, I am confident that our area has immense potential for the tourism industry, and I would like to propose a joint venture in tourism business with your esteemed organization.

The tourism industry in [Name of Place] is growing at an unprecedented rate, with a year-round influx of tourists from all around the world. Our region boasts of some of the most breathtaking natural landscapes, including rolling hills, dense forests, and pristine lakes. Furthermore, [Name of Place] is well known for its cultural heritage and historical importance, making it an ideal destination for travelers interested in history and archaeology.

There is much to see and do in [Name of Place], and our region offers a range of unique experiences for tourists. Some of the most popular attractions include trekking in the nearby mountains, exploring the ancient temples and ruins, and indulging in traditional cuisine. Visitors can also witness the colorful festivals and cultural events that take place throughout the year, offering an immersive experience of the local culture.

As a business organization with extensive experience in the tourism industry, I urge you to consider investing in [Name of Place]. With our strategic location and natural beauty, we are confident that we can offer a unique and memorable experience to tourists. Our team is dedicated to providing excellent customer service and ensuring that each visitor has an unforgettable experience.

I invite you to visit [Name of Place] and witness for yourself the beauty and potential of our region. Please let me know if you are interested, and I can provide you with more information on our proposed partnership.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]


A. Tick the correct one. 

a. He has obtained full mark/marks. 

b. More than two boys were/was absent. 

C. One of the boy/boys was not found there. 

d. His wonder knew no bounds/bound. 

e. I will give you my words/word. 

f. He gave me much/many good advice/advices. 

g. He gave wrong information/informations. 

h. Give me two dozens/dozen eggs. 

i. Six miles is/are a long distance. 

j. The clock has struck four hours/hour.

k. Would you lend me a ten rupees/rupee note? 

l. The Nepal government makes a five year/years development plan. 

m. They went to Singapore on a four days/day trip.

B. Which of the sentences is correct in each pair? Rewrite the correct one. 

Correct ones have been indicated with an arrow.

a. My all books are lost. 

  All my books are lost. ←

b. His both brothers are ill. 

Both his brothers are ill. ←

c. Give me a hundred rupee. ←

Give a hundred rupees. 

d. Everybody except me was absent. ←

Everybody except I was absent. 

e. He was died of fever. 

He died of fever. ←

f. It is raining for a week. 

It has been raining for a week. ←

g. I have seen my friend long ago. 

I saw my friend long ago. ←

h. My friend has gone out before I arrived. 

My friend had gone out before I arrived. ←

i. He said he has never seen him before. 

He said he had never seen him before. ←

j. He assured he will come. 

He assured he would come. ←

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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