Unit - 9 Ecology and Environment Guide : Class 12 English Section I Solution

Book Soluction Nepal

Unit: 9 

Ecology and Environment
Answer Sheets..........

Living in a Red wood Tree

A. The words/phrases in the box are from the text. Check their meanings in a dictionary and use these words to complete the given sentences.

Answer 👉 

a. Logging is one of the main reasons behind the rapid deforestation in the world.

b.That's one example of how the pandemic should be a wake-up call.

c.Propane is a gas used as a fuel for cooking and heating.

d.Emergency teams are still clearing the debris from the plane crash.

e.What a transformation! You look great.

f.My father made a New Year's resolution to give up smoking.

g.He has worked in the Army for two years. He hates that two-year stint.

h.Emissions from the factory are widely suspected of having a detrimental effect on health.

i.My father is an occasional smoker. He doesn't smoke often.

j.Redwood is a very tall type of tree that grows especially in California and Oregan.


B. The words redwood, barefoot, single-burner, short-term, fast-paced, mudslide, windstorm, and childhood from the above text are made of two words and they yield a new meaning. Compound words can be written in three ways: open compounds (spelled as two words, e.g., ice cream), closed compounds (joined to form a single word, e.g., doorknob), or hyphenated compounds (two words joined by a hyphen, e.g., long-term). Choose one word from each box to make sensible compound words.
Answer 👉 

Rattle: Rattlesnake (close)

Sun: Sunflower (close)

Touch:  Touch screen (open)

Moon:  Moonlight (close)

Day:  Daydream (close)

Fire:   Fireball(close) 

Water: Watermelon (close)

Basket: Basketball (close)

Pass:   Passbook (close)

Wash:  Washboard (close)

Weather: weathercast (close)

Grand: Grandchild (close)

Cross: Crossbow (close)

C. Match the following words/phrases related to the ecology with their meanings
Answer 👉 

a. Sustainability   - ii. to keep in existence; maintain. To supply with necessities or nourishment

b. tree line - i. the height on a mountain above which the climate is too cold for trees to grow

c. precipitation - iv. water that returns to the earth as rain, hail, sleet, or snow

d. tropical zone - x.  the region between latitudes 23.5 degrees S and 23.5 degrees N

e. Kyoto Protocol - iii. an agreement between countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. It was established in Japan in 1997 but didn't become international law until 2004

f.   Pollutants - vii. substances that destroy the purity of air, water, or land

g. Geosphere - vi. the soils,  sediments, and rock layers of the Earth's crust, both continental and beneath the ocean floors

h. Deciduous - ix. a plant that sheds all or nearly all its leaves each year

i.    Ephemeral - viii. an organism that has a short life cycle

j.    Trash - v.       items that are discarded


A. Choose the best answer.
Answer 👉 

a. The author of the text above has the opinion that Julia Hill made her pastime in a tree for two years more. 

b. The sentence ‘Julia had occasional visitors’ indicates she had a few visitors now and then.

C. The logging company managed 24 hour security service around the tree to discourage her from her campaign.

D. Ms. Hill began to respond to the loggers with songs and conventional conversations because she had unconditional love for all nature’s creations.

E. Julia Hill climbed down the tree after 738 days when her demands were about to be fulfilled.

B. Answer the following questions.

a. Who was Julia Butterfly Hill? How did Hill’s campaign gain popularity?

Julia Butterfly Hill was an environmental activist who lived in a redwood tree for over two years to prevent it from being cut down. Her campaign gained popularity through media coverage and public support.

b. What made Hill start her mega campaign to save redwood trees?

Hill started her mega campaign to save redwood trees after witnessing the destruction of the ancient forests in Northern California.

C. What kinds of amenities were there to support Hill’s life in the tree?

Hill had a small platform, a tarp for shelter, a bucket for waste, and a solar panel for electricity to support her life in the tree.

D. Did Hill's value of life change after her car accident? How?

Hill's value of life did change after her car accident, as it made her appreciate the preciousness of life and motivated her to take action for a cause she believed in.

E. Deforestation causes natural calamities. What evidence do you have in the text to prove this

The text does not provide direct evidence to prove that deforestation causes natural calamities.

F. How did the logging company try to discourage Hill in the early days of her sit-in?

Hill was mistreated by the logging company, which put security guards on duty 24 hours a day to prevent her supply crew from delivering anything to her. A chopper hovered perilously near to her, posing a serious threat. A neighboring tree was chopped down, Luna's outer limbs were knocked out, and she was verbally tortured and threatened with assault, rape, and death. Floodlights and air horns were used to torture her throughout the night, almost causing Hill's death.

g. How were the vagaries of nature unwelcoming to Hill?

 The vagaries of nature were unwelcoming to Hill as she faced extreme weather conditions such as rain, wind, and cold temperatures while living in the tree.

h.What is the purpose of the author to write a review on Hill’s book? Do you think the author stands for ecological sustainability? Give reasons.

The author's main purpose of writing a review of Hill's book is to draw attention to the negative effects of deforestation. 

Yes, I think the author stands for Ecological sustainability. Author's choice of Julia Butterfly Hill's struggle in the campaign to protect and preserve forests signifies it more. A portion of her life was given up to safeguard the redwood forest. 

Critical thinking 

a. Suppose you are Julia Butterfly Hill. After staying one year in the tree, the government offered you five million dollars and requested you to drop the strike. Write in about 200 words responding to them that the money is a mean thing for you in comparison with the woods.

As Julia Butterfly Hill, I would respond to the government's offer by explaining that the money they are offering cannot compare to the value of the forest that I have been living in for the past year. The trees, the wildlife, and the entire ecosystem are worth far more than any amount of money that they could offer me.

The trees provide oxygen, clean air, and water, and serve as a habitat for countless species of plants and animals. They are an irreplaceable part of our natural world, and once they are gone, they cannot be replaced. The trees have been around for hundreds of years and have played an essential role in the balance of our planet's ecosystem. They deserve to be protected for the future generations.

Furthermore, I have dedicated my life to this cause, and I could never abandon my principles for money. The logging industry has been destroying the environment for profit for too long, and it is time to take a stand for the future of our planet.

In conclusion, I would kindly reject the government's offer and continue to advocate for the preservation of the trees. Money cannot replace the irreplaceable value of our natural world, and we must work to ensure its protection for future generations.

A. Write a review of a book/film which you have read/watched recently.
Recently, I watched the film "The Power of the Dog" directed by Jane Campion and based on the novel by Thomas Savage. The film is a beautiful and haunting exploration of human relationships and emotions.

Set in the early 20th century, the story follows two brothers, Phil (Benedict Cumberbatch) and George (Jesse Plemons), who own a ranch in Montana. Phil is a dominant and cruel character, while George is more empathetic and sensitive. When George marries a widow named Rose (Kirsten Dunst), Phil's resentment towards her grows and leads to a series of tragic events.

The acting in the film is exceptional, with Benedict Cumberbatch delivering a masterful performance as the enigmatic and complex Phil. Kirsten Dunst is also outstanding as Rose, conveying her character's vulnerability and strength with subtlety and nuance.

The cinematography is stunning, capturing the vast and wild landscape of Montana, and the score is haunting and melancholic, perfectly complementing the mood of the film.

Overall, "The Power of the Dog" is a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores themes of masculinity, power, love, and loss. It is a slow burn that requires patience and attention, but the payoff is worth it. I highly recommend this film to anyone who enjoys character-driven dramas that delve deep into the human psyche.

B. Your school is going to organize a speech competition on Friday. The subject of the speech is “Let’s save the trees and protect our environment.” Draft a speech using the following prompts.
Honorable judges, teachers, and fellow students,

It is with great concern that I address you all today on the subject of saving trees and protecting our environment. Our natural world is made up of plants, animals, and elements, all coexisting in perfect harmony. And at the heart of it all are the trees, the very essence of life, with billions of them providing homes, food, and oxygen for billions of living beings.

Our environment is not just limited to the air we breathe or the water we drink. It is everything around us, including the soil and the trees. But unfortunately, we humans have become too greedy, selfish, and consumerist, thinking of ourselves as the owners of everything and considering everything else as our property.

The rampant urbanization, industrialization, road construction, canal and dam construction, and airport construction have resulted in the loss of trees and have severely affected our environment. We must control our greed and appetite and realize that a good environment leads to a quality life, while a bad environment leads to a bad life.

It is high time we recognized that the environment is not something we can ignore or take for granted. It is essential to our existence, and we must take urgent action to preserve it. We must plant more trees, recycle, reduce our carbon footprint, and minimize the use of plastic.

So, let us all come together to save the trees and protect our environment. Let us remember that it is not just about our survival, but also about the survival of the millions of other species that call this planet home.

Thank you.

Reported speech

B. Someone says something to you which contradicts what they told you earlier. Match the beginnings of the conversations with the correct endings.

a. I'm going to Pokhara on holiday.

vi. You said you were going on business.

 b. He's a lawyer.

 iii. You told me he was a teacher.

 c. She's had a baby girl.

  i. You said she'd had a boy.

 d. I haven't seen Binesh for ages.

viii. You told me you'd seen him

previous week.

 e. I love these new boots.

 v. You said you hated them.

 f. I only cheated in one exam.

 ii. You admitted you cheated in all your exams.

 g. She doesn't speak Hindi or Chinese.

  iv. You told me she was fluent in both.

 h. He works in Kathmandu.

 vii. You told me his office was in Biratnagar.


C. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

a. The principal said, “You can phone from my office, Rita.”

The principal allowed Rita to phone from his office. 

b. “You must not neglect your duty,” said the teacher to the student.

The teacher told the student not to neglect his duty.

c. The student said, “Sir, please, grant me leave for two days.”

The student asked the teacher to grant him leave for two days.

d. I said to her, “Go to school or you will be fined.”

I ordered her to go to school to avoid the fine.

e. The headmaster said, “Don’t make any noise, boys.”

The headmaster forbade the boys to make any noise.

f. “Work hard if you want to rise in life,” said the old man.

The old man advised us to work hard to rise in life. 

g. He said, “Goodbye, my friends!”

He bade his friends good bye.

h. She said to me, “Have a pleasant journey ahead.”

She told me to have a pleasant journey ahead.

i. “Don’t give me the book, please,” Sharmila said.

Sharmila requested not to give her the book.

j. “Where have you been these days?” she spoke on the telephone.

She asked on the telephone where he had been those days. 

k. The teacher said, “Have you submitted your assignments, students?”

The teacher asked the students if they had submitted their assignments.


D. These are the exact words Dinesh said to you yesterday.

"I've just got engaged! We're getting married next month. We're going to Pokhara for our honeymoon. It's all going to be very expensive. Luckily, my friend is a photographer so he'll take the photos for us. We'll be having the reception in my parents' back garden. My mum is baking the cake for us and my sister's band is playing free for us. I hope you'll come to the wedding."


Now, you're telling your friend what Dinesh told you. Complete the text.

He said he had just got engaged. He told me that he was getting married next month. He told me that they were going to Pokhara for their honeymoon. He mentioned that it was going to be very expensive. He said that his friend was a photographer and he would take the photos for them. He mentioned that they would be having the reception in his parents' garden. He admitted that his mum was baking the cake for them and his sister’s band was playing free for them. He said he hoped I'd come to the wedding.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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