Unit - 1 Short Stories Chapter - 3 A Devoted Son Solution : Class 12 English Guide

Book Soluction Nepal

Unit - 1 Short Stories

Chapter - 3 A Devoted Son

Question - Answer....

Anita Desai's short story "A Devoted Son" is a poignant portrayal of a family in India grappling with the tensions and sacrifices that come with the pursuit of higher education and professional success.

The story begins with the Varma family celebrating the achievements of their eldest son, Rakesh, who has just returned from America after completing his medical education. The morning papers bring an ambiance of celebration in the house as they read about his accomplishments. The community also joins in the celebration, lauding Rakesh's success, which is seen as a special matter of discussion in the neighborhood.

As Rakesh's career progresses, he rises through the ranks and becomes a renowned doctor, much to the pride of his parents. However, after the death of Rakesh's mother, Mr. Varma's health starts to deteriorate, and he suffers from one illness after another. Rakesh, being a devoted son and a doctor, is divided between his role as a son who loves and cares for his father and his role as a doctor who must enforce strict diet and medicine regimes for his father's health. The story highlights the tension between the two roles and the sacrifices that Rakesh must make in order to fulfill them both.

As the story progresses, Rakesh's father's health worsens, and he becomes increasingly dependent on his son's care. Rakesh goes above and beyond to make his father's old age more comfortable, from providing him with special diets to making sure that he takes his medicine on time. However, in his final days, Mr. Varma tries to bribe his grandchildren, and Rakesh realizes that his father's mind is starting to slip away.

The story sheds light on the relationship between grandfather and grandchildren, which is characterized by a playful dynamic and mutual affection. The old man's attempts to bribe his grandchildren show his desperation and his inability to accept his own limitations.

In conclusion, "A Devoted Son" explores the tensions and sacrifices that come with the pursuit of higher education and professional success, as well as the challenges and complexities of caring for elderly parents. The story highlights the delicate balance that one must strike between one's roles as a son and a doctor and underscores the importance of maintaining a loving and caring relationship with one's family, especially in old age.



Understanding the text 

Answer the following questions. 

a. How did the morning papers bring an ambiance of celebration in the Varma family? 

Answer 👉 The morning papers brought an ambiance of celebration in the Varma family by announcing the news of Rakesh's success. The family members were happy and excited to see their son's name in the papers. Rakesh's father was beaming with pride and joy as he read out the news to his wife and daughter-in-law. The atmosphere was filled with happiness and contentment.

b. How did the community celebrate Rakesh’s success? 

Answer 👉 The community celebrated Rakesh's success by organizing a felicitation ceremony in his honor. The neighbors came to congratulate him, brought sweets and gifts, and sang songs in his praise. Rakesh was overwhelmed by the love and support he received from his community.

c. Why was Rakesh’s success a special matter of discussion in the neighbourhood? 

Answer 👉 Rakesh's success was a special matter of discussion in the neighborhood because he was the first person from their small town to achieve such success in the field of medicine. His achievements brought pride and hope to the people of the town, and they saw him as a role model for the younger generation.

d. How does the author make fun with the words ‘America’ and ‘the USA’? 

Answer 👉 The author makes fun with the words 'America' and 'the USA' by using them interchangeably and repeatedly, which highlights the characters' obsession with the country. The author portrays the characters as being overly fascinated with America, and their excessive use of the words shows their desire to associate themselves with the country.

e. How does the author characterize Rakesh’s wife? 

Answer 👉 The author characterizes Rakesh's wife as a dutiful daughter-in-law who is respectful of her in-laws' traditions and values. She is depicted as a traditional housewife who takes care of the household and her husband's needs.

f. Describe how Rakesh rises in his career. 

Answer 👉 Rakesh rises in his career through hard work and dedication. He is a devoted son who is determined to make his family proud. He studies tirelessly and secures a scholarship to study in America. After completing his studies, he works hard to establish himself in the medical field and eventually becomes a successful doctor.

g. How does the author describe Rakesh’s family background? 

Answer 👉 The author describes Rakesh's family background as a middle-class family with traditional values. Rakesh's father is a retired schoolteacher who values education and discipline. Rakesh's mother was a devoted wife and mother who took care of the family's needs.

h. What is the impact of Rakesh’s mother’s death on his father? 

Answer 👉 The impact of Rakesh's mother's death on his father is profound. His father becomes lonely and depressed, and his health deteriorates. He is unable to cope with the loss of his wife and the emptiness of his life without her.

i. What did Rakesh do to make his father’s old age more comfortable? 

Answer 👉
To make his father's old age more comfortable, Rakesh takes care of him and provides him with everything he needs. He visits him regularly, takes him to the doctor, and ensures that he is well looked after.

j. Why did the old man try to bribe his grandchildren? 

Answer 👉 The old man tries to bribe his grandchildren because he wants to see them more often. He feels lonely and wants the children to visit him more often, but they are too busy with their studies and other activities. He uses the money to entice them to come and visit him.

k. Are Mr. Varma’s complaints about his diets reasonable? How?

Answer 👉 Mr. Varma's complaints about his diet may seem unreasonable, but they are understandable given his age and health condition. He is an old man with a weak digestive system, and he needs to be careful about what he eats. His complaints may be seen as a way of expressing his discomfort and pain, and they should be taken seriously.

Reference to the context 

a. How did Varma couples make sacrifices for their son’s higher education? 

Answer 👉 The Varma couple made significant sacrifices for their son's higher education. Rakesh's father, a retired schoolteacher, sold his ancestral land to pay for his son's medical education. Rakesh's mother, on the other hand, supported her husband in this decision and took care of the household expenses with a tight budget. They both prioritized their son's education over their own comfort and needs, and their sacrifices paid off in the end.

b. Mr. Varma suffers from diseases one after another after his wife’s death. Would he have enjoyed better health if she had not died before him? Give reasons. 

Answer 👉 Mr. Varma's health issues after his wife's death are related to his emotional state. He becomes lonely and depressed after losing his wife, and this affects his physical health. The loss of a life partner can have a profound impact on a person's well-being, and it is possible that Mr. Varma's health would have been better if his wife had not died before him. However, it is impossible to say for sure as there may have been other factors affecting his health.

c. Dr. Rakesh is divided between a doctor and a son. As a son, he loves his father and worries about his weakening health but as a doctor he is strict on his father’s diet and medicine. In your view, what else could Rakesh have done to make his father’s final years more comfortable? 

Answer 👉 Dr. Rakesh is torn between his role as a doctor and his role as a son. As a doctor, he knows what is best for his father's health, and he wants to ensure that he follows a strict diet and takes his medicine. As a son, he is concerned about his father's well-being and wants him to be comfortable in his final years. Rakesh could have done more to make his father's final years more comfortable, such as spending more time with him, taking him out for walks, or engaging him in activities that he enjoys.

d. What does the story say about the relationship between grandfather and grandchildren? 

Answer 👉   The story shows a close relationship between the grandfather and his grandchildren. The grandfather loves spending time with them and tries to bribe them to visit him more often. The children, on the other hand, are fond of their grandfather and enjoy his company. This relationship is important as it shows the importance of intergenerational bonds and the value of spending time with family.

e. Do you call Rakesh a devoted son? Give reasons. 

Answer 👉 Yes, Rakesh can be considered a devoted son. He is committed to making his family proud and sacrifices a lot to pursue his education and career. He takes care of his father in his old age and provides him with everything he needs. Although he may seem strict at times, his intentions are always for his father's benefit. He is a responsible and caring son who is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure his father's comfort and well-being.

Reference beyond the text 

a. Write an essay on The Parents’ Ambition for their Children in Nepali Society. You must give at least five examples. 

The Parent’s Ambition for their Children in Nepali Society : An Essay 

In Nepali society, parents have high expectations and ambitions for their children. This is a cultural norm and stems from the belief that children are a source of pride and prestige for the family. Parents want their children to succeed in their education and career and strive to provide them with the best possible opportunities. One of the examples of parental ambition can be seen in the field of medicine. Parents often encourage their children to become doctors, as it is a highly respected profession in Nepal. They invest a lot of time and money in their children's education and training, with the hope that their children will become successful doctors and provide for the family in the future. Another example is in the field of engineering. Parents often encourage their children to become engineers, as it is a well-paying profession in Nepal. They believe that a career in engineering will provide their children with financial stability and a good standard of living. In Nepal, parents also place a lot of importance on their children's academic performance. They want their children to excel in their studies and often send them to expensive private schools to ensure they receive the best education. Parents also invest in private tutoring and coaching to help their children succeed academically. Parents also encourage their children to pursue traditional professions such as teaching or civil service. These professions are highly respected in Nepali society, and parents believe that they provide job security and stability. In recent years, there has been a growing trend of parents encouraging their children to pursue careers in the IT sector. They see the IT sector as a promising and lucrative field, and want their children to be part of this growing industry.

b. Medicines replace our diets in old age. What can be done to make old age less dependent on medicine? 

Answer 👉  
As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, and we become more prone to illnesses and diseases. This often leads to a greater reliance on medicines to maintain our health. However, there are ways to make old age less dependent on medicine. One of the ways to achieve this is through a healthy diet. A well-balanced diet can provide the body with essential nutrients that can help strengthen the immune system and prevent diseases. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help provide the necessary nutrients. Another way is through exercise. Regular exercise can help improve overall health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve mental health. Even low-impact exercises such as walking, yoga, or swimming can have significant health benefits. Social engagement is also crucial for maintaining good health in old age. Staying connected with friends, family, and the community can help reduce stress, improve mental health, and provide a sense of purpose. Lastly, having a positive outlook on life can also contribute to better health. Engaging in hobbies, pursuing interests, and maintaining a positive attitude can help reduce stress, improve mental health, and overall well-being.

c. Write an essay on “Care of Elderly Citizens” in about 300 words.

Answer 👉

 Care of Elderly Citizens

As the population ages, the care of elderly citizens becomes an important issue. In many cultures, including Nepal, it is common for families to take care of their elderly relatives. However, with changing lifestyles and the increasing number of elderly citizens, it has become challenging for families to provide adequate care. Therefore, it is essential to create a comprehensive and supportive system for the care of elderly citizens. One way to address this issue is through the provision of healthcare services. Elderly citizens often have complex health needs, and access to appropriate healthcare is critical. This includes access to medical professionals, medication, and assistive devices. Another approach is through the provision of social support services. Elderly citizens often face social isolation, which can have a negative impact on their health and well-being. Providing social activities, support groups.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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