Class - 12 English Unit 2 Poems Guide : Chapter - 1. A Day Solution

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Class - 12 English

Unit 2 Poems

Chapter - 1. A Day

"A Day" is a poem by Emily Dickinson, one of the most well-known American poets of the 19th century. The poem reflects on the nature of time and the fleeting nature of life.

The poem begins with the line "I'll tell you how the sun rose," and goes on to describe the dawn breaking over the countryside. Dickinson describes the sun as "a ribbon at a time," suggesting that the process of the sun rising is slow and deliberate, as if it were being carefully unwound.

As the day progresses, Dickinson describes the many sights and sounds of the natural world. She writes of the "blue fly" buzzing around, the "busy worm" crawling through the earth, and the "orchard for a dome," suggesting that the world is a vast and complex place, full of life and activity.

The poem takes on a more reflective tone in its second half, as Dickinson ponders the fleeting nature of time. She writes that "men forget" the beauty of the world around them, and that "years pass" without notice. The final lines of the poem reflect on the brevity of life itself: "How swift the sundown / Throw thy western perfumes / Tenderer than a girl's mood / Veil the lone run away."

Overall, "A Day" is a poem that celebrates the beauty and complexity of the natural world, while also reflecting on the transience of life and the importance of living in the present moment. Dickinson's use of rich imagery and carefully crafted language make the poem a vivid and memorable reflection on the human experience.

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.
a. How does the poet describe the morning sun in the first stanza?
In the first stanza, the poet describes the morning sun as an active entity. She uses words like "comes" and "rushes" to describe the sun's movements. The sun is also personified as a person on a journey, wearing a hat and traveling through the sky.

b. What does the line ‘The news like squirrels ran’ mean?
The line "The news like squirrels ran" means that information is spreading quickly, like the way squirrels run around rapidly. The poet uses this simile to convey the idea that news travels fast in the morning.

c. What do you understand by the line ‘The hills untied their bonnets’?
The line "The hills untied their bonnets" means that the morning mist is clearing up, revealing the hills in their full glory. The word "bonnets" here refers to the fog that usually shrouds the hills in the morning, making them appear as if they are wearing hats.

d. Is the speaker watching the morning sun? Why? Why not?
It is not clear whether the speaker is watching the morning sun. While she describes the movements of the sun and its effects on the surroundings, she does not explicitly say whether she is watching it or experiencing it firsthand.

e. How does the sun set?
 In the final stanza, the poet describes the sun setting by saying "The day is done, and the darkness falls from the wings of Night." She uses personification to describe night as a creature with wings, and as the sun sets, darkness envelops everything. The image suggests the idea of the day ending and the night taking over.

Reference to the context

a. What, according to the speaker, is a day?
 In the poem "A Day" by Emily Dickinson, the speaker describes a day as a living entity. The day is personified as having a personality and feelings. The speaker describes the day as "bright," "busy," and "crowded," indicating that it is an active and bustling entity. The day is also described as having "feet," "eyes," and a "forehead," which reinforces the idea that it is an animate being.

b. What purpose does the hyphen in the first line serve in the poem?
The hyphen in the first line of the poem, "A Day! Help and Thanks 'tis due," serves to emphasize the exclamation mark at the beginning of the line. The hyphen indicates a pause, which allows the reader to absorb the emotion behind the exclamation mark. This pause also helps to create a rhythmic pattern in the line, which contributes to the overall musicality of the poem.

c. What makes this poem lyrical and sonorous? Discuss.
The poem "A Day" by Emily Dickinson is lyrical and sonorous because of its musical qualities. The poem has a sing-song quality due to its consistent use of end rhymes and its metered structure. The poem's use of alliteration, assonance, and repetition also contribute to its musicality. The poem is written in iambic tetrameter, which creates a regular beat that adds to the musical quality of the poem.

d. Who are the target audience of the speaker? Why?
 The target audience of the speaker is anyone who appreciates the beauty of the natural world. The speaker is addressing people who are grateful for the gift of a new day and who take the time to appreciate the wonders of the world around them. The speaker is also targeting people who believe in the power of nature to inspire and uplift the human spirit.

e. The poem seems to describe a day for children. How would the adult people respond to this poem? Discuss this poem with your parents/guardians and write the answer based on their responses.
The poem "A Day" may seem to describe a day for children because of its simple language, musical quality, and imaginative personification of the day. However, the poem's message is universal and can be appreciated by both children and adults. When discussing the poem with parents or guardians, they may appreciate the musical quality of the poem and its use of literary devices such as personification, alliteration, and repetition. They may also appreciate the poem's message of gratitude and the power of nature to inspire and uplift the human spirit. Overall, the poem can be enjoyed and appreciated by people of all ages.

Reference beyond the text

a. Observe your surroundings of one fine morning and write a poem based on your own experience.
My Surroundings

My surroundings, oh how they change,
From lush green fields to concrete range.
From chirping birds to honking cars,
From twinkling stars to glowing bars.

My surroundings, they never stay the same,
As seasons come and go, they rearrange.
From leaves falling in Autumn's breeze,
To blooming flowers on Spring's trees.

My surroundings, they reflect my soul,
As I walk this path of life, a quest untold.
From sunny skies to thunderous rain,
From happiness to moments of pain.

My surroundings, they are my guide,
In every step I take, in every stride.
From the mountains high to the ocean blue,
From my heart to yours, I share this view.

b. Write a personal essay on A Day in the School.
A Day in the School
As a student, I spend most of my days in school, and each day is unique in its own way. However, there is one particular day that stands out in my memory - a day that I will never forget. It was a Monday, and I had just returned to school after a long weekend.

As usual, the day started with an assembly in the school hall. The principal addressed the students and gave a motivational speech. She spoke about the importance of education, hard work, and dedication. Her words of wisdom were inspiring, and I felt motivated to do my best.

After the assembly, I went to my classroom and settled down in my seat. The first period was mathematics, which happened to be my favorite subject. I was excited about the class, and I could not wait to learn new concepts.

The mathematics teacher, Ms. Johnson, entered the classroom and started the class. She introduced a new topic, and I was immediately engrossed in the lesson. The class was interactive, and we had a chance to solve mathematical problems on the board. I enjoyed the class, and it was the perfect start to the day.

Next, we had a break, and I went to the canteen to grab a snack. I met some of my friends there, and we had a quick chat before the bell rang for the next period.

The third period was science, and we had a practical session in the laboratory. We conducted an experiment, and it was fascinating to see how the theory we had learned in class was applied in a real-life situation. I enjoyed the class, and I felt like I was learning something new every day.

After science, we had an hour of physical education. We went to the school ground, and the physical education teacher led us in various exercises. We also had a game of football, and it was fun to play with my friends.

The last period of the day was English, and we had a poetry session. The teacher read out a poem, and we had to analyze and interpret it. The session was thought-provoking, and it helped me to improve my critical thinking skills.

As the day came to an end, I felt fulfilled and satisfied. It was a day filled with learning, laughter, and fun. I had made new friends, learned new things, and improved my skills. As I packed my bag and headed home, I knew that the day had been a productive one, and I looked forward to what the next day would bring.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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