Unit 17 War and Peace Guide : Class 12 English I Solution

Book Soluction Nepal

Unit 17 War and Peace

Unit 17 
War and Peace 
Train to Pakistan
Answer Key...


A. What do the underlined words in the following sentences mean? Tick the best answer. 

Answer 👉 

a. The shouting and clamor would continue until long after the train had left the station. 

i. clapping 

ii. music

👉 iii.a loud and confused noise

iv. train whistle 

b. There were dozens outside perched precariously on footboards holding on the door handles. 

👉 i. not securely ← 

ii. carefully 

iii. joyfully 

iv prudently 

C. The book had gone round the compartment for scrutiny 

i. appreciation 

👉 i. examination

iii. entertainment 

iv. religious ritual 

d. But Jugga had run away, absconded. 

i. committed suicide 

ii. killed a fellow friend 

iii. surrendered 

👉 iv. hid somewhere secretly

e. His countrymen's code of morals had always puzzled him. with his anglicized way of looking at things. 

i. characteristics of Indians 

👉 ii. characteristics of English

iii. characteristics of Pakistani 

iv. characteristics of Aryans 

f. Iqbal felt a little silly for coming out with these platitudes. 

i. commonplace remarks 

ii. philosophical remarks 

iii. critical remarks 

👉 iv. doubtful remarks

B. Many words have been borrowed in English from different languages. Find the meaning of the following words which are borrowed from Hindi language. 

Veranda- an outside platform with a roof of a house

khaki-  Cotton or wool that is very strong and has a dull brownish-yellow color is called khaki. It is often used in military clothing.

pashmina-  a shawl made from fine-quality goat's wool. 

pajamas-  a pair of loose trousers tied by a drawstring around the waist 

Pukka-  genuine or respectable 

Pundit-  Priest of hindu temple

avatar-  incarnation of deity 

Bangle- a rigid ornamental band worn around the arm or the ankle 

Cheetah- a large slender spotted cat found in Africa and parts of Asia 

Guru- a Hindu spiritual teacher. 

Jungle- an area of land overgrown with dense forest 

Karma- good or bad luck. viewed as resulting from one's actions 

Nirvana- The ultimate Liberation 

Shampoo- a hair-washing treatment in the form of a liquid

raita- a yogurt-based Indian side dish with chopped cucumber or other veggies and spices

C. Add the given suffixes to the following words to make new words. Notice whether 'e' is retained or dropped. 

Answer 👉 

a. change 

+-able L-ing/-ed/- less 

• Changeable, Changing, Changed, Changeless 

b. time 

+-ly / -ing / -ed / -less 

• Timely, Timing, Timed, Timeless 

c. notice 

+ -able

-ing /-ed 

• Noticeable, Noticing, Noticed 

d. praise 

+-worthy / -ing / -ed 

• Praiseworthy, Praising, Praised 

e. Home

+-less/-ing / -ly 

• Homeless, Homing, Homely 


Answer the following questions. 

a. Why did Iqbal want to sleep in the afternoon? 

Answer 👉 Iqbal wanted to sleep in the afternoon because he had been travelling for two nights and was feeling tired.

b. How did people react with each other on the train? 

People were fighting and arguing over each other since the train was full.

c. Why did the book Iqbal was reading bring commotion in the compartment? 

The book Iqbal was reading brought commotion in the compartment because it was about the plight of Indian farmers, which sparked a heated debate.

d. Why did Iqbal have to give clarification with his personal details? 

Iqbal had to give clarification with his personal details because his fellow passengers suspected him of being a spy.

e. Who was Meet Sing and what did he report to Iqbal? 

Meet Singh was the priest of Gurudwara and he reported to Iqbal about the murder of a fellow villager perhaps committed by Jugga. 

f. How, according to Meet Singh, was Jugga Sing different from his forefathers? 

Meet Singh was a fellow passenger on the train who informed Iqbal about the political situation in India.

g. How does the author Show contradictions in Meet Singh's character? 

The author shows contradiction in Meet Singh’s character by portraying him as both friendly and suspicious of Iqbal.

h. Who was Hukum Chand and how did he succeed in his career? 

Hukum Chand was a successful lawyer who became a district magistrate in India during British rule. He was known for his harsh treatment of Indian nationalists and was responsible for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in 1919.


a. Iqbalis addressed as Babu Sahib by general folk simply because he knew English. Are Nepali people who can speak English taken with respect? Discuss the importance of learning English in the Nepali context. 

The fact that Iqbal is addressed as Babu Sahib because of his knowledge of English highlights the importance given to the language in the Nepali context. The ability to speak English is often seen as a mark of education and status, and people who can speak the language are often given respect and admiration. In Nepal, English is often seen as a gateway to opportunities such as better job prospects, higher education, and a wider worldview. However, there are also criticisms about the excessive importance given to English in Nepal. Many argue that the focus on English has led to a neglect of the Nepali language and the country's own rich cultural heritage. Furthermore, the emphasis on English proficiency can also create a sense of elitism, where those who cannot speak English are marginalized and disadvantaged. Overall, it is important to acknowledge the value of English in the Nepali context, but also to recognize the need for a balanced approach that does not neglect the country's own language and culture.

b. Do you agree with Iqbal's comments on crime and punishment? In your view, what should the state, society and individuals do for peace and order in social lives? 

Yes, Iqbal's comments on crime and punishment reflect a complex and nuanced view of the issue. He acknowledges the need for punishment to deter crime, but also recognizes that the root causes of criminal behavior lie in societal and systemic issues such as poverty, inequality, and lack of education. In my view, the state, society, and individuals all have a role to play in promoting peace and order in social lives. The state should work to create a fair and just legal system that is focused on rehabilitation and prevention rather than punishment alone. This can involve investing in education and social services, as well as addressing root causes such as poverty and inequality. Society can also play a role in promoting peace and order by creating a culture of empathy, respect, and accountability. This involves promoting values such as nonviolence, inclusivity, and mutual understanding. Individuals, too, have a responsibility to act with integrity and respect towards others, and to work towards promoting social harmony and understanding. Overall, promoting peace and order in social lives requires a holistic approach that recognizes the complex and interconnected nature of societal issues. By working together as a community, we can create a more just and peaceful world for all.


A. Meet Singh says Jugga is a badmash. There can be such people in your locality, too. Write a paragraph describing him/her. 

Meet Singh describes Jugga as a badmash, someone who is involved in unlawful and unethical activities. A person like Jugga may be easily recognizable in your locality as they often display anti-social behavior. They could be the ones who break traffic rules, create nuisance, and engage in physical violence. Such individuals may have a history of criminal activity, and their actions can often create a sense of insecurity and fear among the community. They may lack empathy towards others, and their selfishness can lead them to disregard social norms and laws. In essence, a badmash is someone who disrupts the peace and harmony of the society.

B. You may have traveled by bus or train. During your travels, you might have had different experiences. Write a letter to your friend describing your unforgettable journey. 

Dear [Friend’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I recently went on an unforgettable journey, and I couldn't wait to share my experience with you. I took a train ride from [starting station] to [destination station], and it was one of the most thrilling experiences of my life.

As I boarded the train, I was welcomed by the bustling crowd of passengers. There were families, tourists, students, and people from all walks of life. I found a cozy window seat, and I was greeted by a beautiful view of the countryside. The train ride was scenic, and I enjoyed watching the landscape pass by.

As the journey progressed, I got talking with some fellow passengers. We exchanged stories, experiences, and jokes. I was amazed to see how a simple conversation can create a sense of community, even among strangers. We shared food, played games, and even sang songs together.

One of the most unforgettable experiences was when the train stopped at a small station. The locals had set up a makeshift market, and they were selling everything from local delicacies to handicrafts. I bought some souvenirs and tasted some delicious snacks.

The journey came to an end, and I arrived at my destination feeling both exhilarated and exhausted. The train ride taught me the importance of community, sharing, and experiencing new things. I hope to go on many more such journeys in the future.

Take care and stay in touch.

Warm regards,
[Your Name]


B. Here is an extract from a newspaper article about a missing boy 

(Ronish) and his father (Naresh). Decide why different forms of past tenses were used. 

Answer 👉 

The given extract uses different forms of past tenses because the sentences are written in the form of a report or a story. So, the Past simple passive tense is used. 

We use the past simple when we want to talk about things that have happened in the past. So, the past perfect tense is used in the extract to show that something happened in the past. 

C. Fill in the gaps with the suitable form of the verb in the brackets. Use past simple/past continuous/past perfect tenses. You may need to use negative too. 

It was Sunday afternoon. I was watching (watch) a cookery programme on TV when I realized (realize) how hungry I was. But of course, I was hungry; I hadn't eaten (eat) anything since lunch, and I had run (run) a race in the morning. "Biscuits!" I thought (think). My mother had given (give me a jar of delicious home-made biscuits. I went (go) into the kitchen, opened (open) the fridge and poured (pour) some milk in a big glass. Then I looked (look) for the kitchen chair but it wasn't (be) there: somebody had taken (take) it away. And there were no biscuits in the biscuit jar: somebody had eaten (eat) them all! I was sure I had put (put) the jar there the previous day and I had eaten (eat) only one cookie. It was very strange. A few minutes later, I was drinking (drink) my glass of milk when I heard (hear) a loud noise coming from the dining room. I went (go) there quickly and I opened (open) the door. I couldn't believe my eyes. An enormous monkey was eating (eat) the biscuits excitedly on the kitchen chair. 

D. Rewrite the following sentences correcting the mistakes. 

Answer 👉

Example: Did you ever see her before you met her at school? 

Have you ever seen her before you met her at school? 

a. She played the flute and then she had sung in-their choir. 

She had played the flute and then she had sung in their choir. 

b. I borrowed Rima's car. Had you known about it? 

I had borrowed Rima's car. Have you heard about it? 

C. After the lesson had finished, we run out of school. 

After the lesson had finished, we ran out of school. 

d. Had you be there? - Yes, the previous year. 

Have you been there? Yes, the previous year. 

e. Did you liked my article published in the Himalayan Times yesterday? 

Did you like my article published in the Himalayan Times yesterday? 


f. I recognized him because I saw him before. 

I recognized him because I had seen him before. 

g. I hadn't gone out because I hadn't finished my homework. 

I didn't go out because I hadn't finished my homework. 

h. We had done nothing like this at that time. 

We did nothing like this at that time. 

i. It was quite difficult. I had had no idea what to do. 

It had been quite difficult. I had no idea what to do. 

j. As far as I'd known, she had always had some pets. 

As far as I knew, she had always had some pets. 

k. When I met Jim, he was already a soldier for three years. 

When I met Jim, he had already been a soldier for three years. 

I. He had gone to the coffee because somebody had told him. 

He went to the coffee because somebody had told him. 


All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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