Unit 18 Music And Creation solution : Class 12 English Guide

Book Soluction Nepal

Class - 12

Unit 18

Music And Creation

Answer Key..............

Working with words

A. Find the single words for the following definitions. The words are given in the jumbled letters at the end.
Answer 👉 
a. A person who hates or distrusts mankind misanthrope

b. A sensation of noise, such as a ringing or roaring tinnitus

c. An examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death autopsy

d. A musical composition or movement for five instruments or voices quintet

e. A severe life-threatening illness caused by a bacterium meningitis

f. An object that directs one’s attention away from something else distraction

g. The action or process of becoming impaired or inferior in quality, functioning, or condition deterioration

h. Failing to perceive something impercipience

i. A hearing disorder that makes it hard to deal with everyday sounds hyperacusis

j. A bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact syphilis

B. Put the musical instruments into different categories as below.
Answer 👉 
Wind Instruments : trumpet, harmonica, clarinet, conch, trombone
Stringed Instruments : violin, viola, cello, double bass
Percussion Instruments : drum, tabls, cymbal, bell, tambourine

C. Use a dictionary and find the definition of these genres of music.
Answer 👉 
rock music: a genre of popular music that originated as "rock and roll" in the United States in the 1950s, characterized by a strong beat, simple melodies, and often amplified instrumentation.

pop music: popular music of the day, encompassing a wide variety of styles and emphasizing accessibility and commercial appeal.

hip hop: a genre of popular music characterized by a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted.

jazz: a genre of music characterized by improvisation, syncopated rhythms, and a combination of elements from European harmony and African rhythms.

folk music: traditional music that is typical of a particular cultural group or region and is passed down from one generation to the next.

classical music: a genre of Western music characterized by its complexity, including a high level of instrumental technique and an emphasis on composition over performance.

blues: a genre of music that originated in African-American communities in the United States around the end of the 19th century, characterized by its melancholy sound and often containing lyrics about personal hardship and injustice.

heavy metal: a genre of rock music characterized by loud, distorted guitar and bass sounds, emphatic rhythms, and often dark or satirical lyrics.

Gospel music: a genre of religious music characterized by dominant vocals and strong rhythms, with lyrics that emphasize Christian values and beliefs.

country music: a genre of popular music that originated in the Southern United States, characterized by its simple melodies, narratives about everyday life, and instrumentation such as the guitar, fiddle, and banjo.

grunge: a genre of rock music that emerged in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States in the mid-1980s, characterized by its heavy, distorted sound and angst-ridden lyrics.

breakbeat: a genre of electronic dance music that emerged in the 1980s, characterized by the use of a breakbeat rhythm.

reggae: a genre of popular music that originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s, characterized by its offbeat rhythms and emphasis on the bass and drums.

disco: a genre of dance music that emerged in the United States in the mid-1970s, characterized by its upbeat tempo, strong rhythm section, and use of electronic instrumentation.

dubstep: a genre of electronic dance music that originated in the early 2000s in the United Kingdom, characterized by its use of heavy bass and sub-bass lines, syncopated rhythms, and sparse, chopped-up samples.


A. Put the following events in the life of Beethoven in chronological order.
Answer 👉 
c. Beethoven was born into a musical family in Bonn, Germany.
e. He learned to play the organ, piano, violin, and viola.
a. He migrated to Vienna.
h. At the age of twenty-seven, he felt the deafness to high-pitched sound.
d. His deafness got gradually worse: He could hear but not understand.
g. He lived a life in seclusion.
b. He even made suicidal attempts.
f. He died of hepatitis at the age of fifty-six.

B. State whether the following statements are True or False.
a. Beethoven became blind in a gradual process over two decades.👉  False
b. He became a celebrity musician in his teenage.👉  True
c. He did not disclose his hearing problem for a long time.👉  True
d. He knew that he misunderstood the speakers and gave up his public performances. ðŸ‘‰ False
e. He tried to get his deafness treated until his death.👉  False
f. Beethoven died in his early fifties. ðŸ‘‰ False
g. Doctors found the cause of his deafness after his death.👉  False

C. Answer the following questions.

a. What does Hellen Keller think about deafness and blindness?
Hellen Keller believed that deafness and blindness were not a misfortune, but rather an opportunity to develop one's other senses and a deeper understanding of the world.

b. Why does the author compare Beethoven with Milton, Van Gogh and Toulouse-Lautrec?
The author compares Beethoven with Milton, Van Gogh and Toulouse-Lautrec because they were all artists who continued to create despite their respective physical or mental limitations. This highlights the idea that creativity and passion can overcome adversity.

c. When and how did Beethoven notice him being deaf?
Beethoven first noticed his hearing loss in his late 20s or early 30s, and it progressed gradually over time. He eventually became completely deaf in his later years.

d. What psychological effects did he have when he noticed that he was being deaf?
Beethoven experienced significant psychological effects upon realizing his deafness, including depression, isolation, and thoughts of suicide. He wrote about these feelings in letters and journals.

e. How did he triumph over his suicidal thoughts?
 Beethoven triumphed over his suicidal thoughts by focusing on his art and music, and by seeking support from his friends and family. He continued to create and perform despite his deafness, and his perseverance and resilience continue to inspire people to this day.

f. How did he accept his deafness?
He accepted his deafness by saying that no one can save him from deafness and to go further in his life, he must eventually accept it.

g. How was his deafness ironically good for the world?
Beethoven gave up his public musical performances forever in 1814, when he realized that his deafness had become too severe to continue.

h. When did Beethoven give up his musical performances forever?
Beethoven gave up his musical performances forever during his mid-forties. During that time, it was some sort of embarrassing faux pas for him.

i. What did Stephen von Breeuning comment on Beethoven’s reactions?
Stephen von Breuning, a close friend of Beethoven, observed that despite the challenges he faced, Beethoven remained a strong and determined individual who refused to give up on his passion for music.

j. How did Beethoven express the conflict in his mind?
 Beethoven expressed the conflict in his mind through his music, which often featured contrasting themes and intense emotional expressions. He also wrote candidly in his personal letters about his struggles and frustrations, as well as his hopes and aspirations.

Critical thinking

a. Suicidal thoughts came in Beethoven’s mind several times but he did not commit suicide and kept on composing music. Write a monologue in about 150 words from Beethoven’s perspectives describing his suicidal thoughts and his will to live.

a. Beethoven's monologue:

There have been many times in my life when I have contemplated suicide. The darkness of my thoughts would engulf me, and I would feel trapped in a world that did not understand me. I couldn't hear the beauty of the music that I composed, and the silence was deafening. But something always held me back. Perhaps it was my love for music, or maybe it was my desire to overcome my deafness and prove the world wrong. I couldn't let the darkness win, not when I had so much more music to give.

My will to live was stronger than my desire to end it all. I wanted to show the world that I was more than just a deaf man, that I was a composer who could touch people's souls with his music. Every note that I wrote, every chord that I played, was a testament to my will to live. I couldn't let my disability define me, I had to define it.

And so, I kept on living, kept on composing. The music that flowed through me was my lifeline, my way of transcending the physical limitations that threatened to hold me back. The darkness still looms, but I know that as long as I have my music, I will never give in to it.

b. Was it divine inspiration or rigorous practice that made Beethoven one of the world’s greatest musicians? Give the reasons.

 It was a combination of both divine inspiration and rigorous practice that made Beethoven one of the world's greatest musicians. Beethoven was undoubtedly a genius, but his talent alone could not have made him the iconic composer that he is known as today. He had to work hard, practicing day and night to hone his craft, and his dedication to his music was unparalleled.

At the same time, Beethoven's music was undoubtedly inspired by a higher power. His compositions often had a spiritual quality to them, and he once said that he was simply a "medium through which God speaks." His music was not just a product of his own genius, but a result of his connection to something greater than himself.

It was this combination of hard work and divine inspiration that made Beethoven one of the world's greatest musicians. Without either one of these elements, his music would not have had the same impact on the world. His talent and dedication made him a force to be reckoned with, and his connection to a higher power gave his music a depth and beauty that has continued to inspire people for centuries.


Who is your favourite Nepali musician? Write his/her biography in about 300 words.

One of my favorite Nepali musicians is the talented Ani Choying Drolma, who is not only an accomplished singer but also a Buddhist nun, social activist, and philanthropist.

Born in 1971 in Nepal, Ani Choying Drolma's early life was marked by hardship and suffering. At the age of seven, she was sent to a Buddhist monastery, where she was trained in the traditional art of chanting. However, she also suffered physical and emotional abuse from her teachers, which led her to question her faith and her place in the world.

Despite these challenges, Ani Choying Drolma continued to pursue her passion for music, which provided her with a sense of solace and comfort. She eventually left the monastery and began to perform publicly, drawing on her training in traditional Tibetan chanting to create a unique style that blended Eastern and Western influences.

Over the years, Ani Choying Drolma has become one of Nepal's most celebrated musicians, earning widespread acclaim for her powerful, soulful voice and her ability to convey the depth and beauty of Buddhist teachings through music. She has also become a leading advocate for social justice and human rights, using her music and her platform to raise awareness of issues such as gender inequality, domestic violence, and environmental degradation.

In addition to her music and her activism, Ani Choying Drolma is also a committed philanthropist, using her resources to support a range of charitable causes. She has established a number of organizations and initiatives aimed at providing education, healthcare, and other essential services to disadvantaged communities throughout Nepal.

In conclusion, Ani Choying Drolma is not only a remarkable musician, but also a compassionate and inspiring individual who has devoted her life to serving others. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of art, faith, and social action, and she continues to inspire people around the world with her music and her message of hope and healing.


B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
Answer 👉 
a. I was accompanied to the hospital by my friend.
b. I have great respect for my teachers.
c. The culprit was sentenced to death.
d. His arguments are not based on truth.
e. He has not contributed to the development of our nation.
f. He died because of Corona at the age of thirty-five.
g. The young generation of Nepali people don’t take interest in politics.
h. Our village was not infected by Corona.
i. Why do you sneer at me?

C. Fill in the blanks with for, since, until, by or in.
Answer 👉 
a. The classes will be over by 5 PM.
b. Karma Sherpa reached the top of Mt. Everest in 8 hours.
c. We had met after five years. So we kept on talking until three in the morning.
d. She has been living in America since she got married.
e. He has been playing video game for ten hours.
f. She practices the Sitar every day for five hours.
g. He lived in Jumla until he passed high school examinations.
h. There is no chance of dry weather even today. It has rained since last Saturday.
i. I can type 120 words in a minute.
j. We take an early breakfast. It’s generally ready by six in the morning.

All Class 12 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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