Class - 12 English Unit 3 Essays Guide : Chapter - 2 Marriage as a Social Institution Solution

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Class - 12 English

Unit 3 Essays

Chapter - 2 Marriage as a Social Institution

Stephen L. Nock

"Marriage as a Social Institution" is an article by sociologist Stephen L. Nock that explores the concept of marriage as a social institution. The author argues that marriage is a fundamental institution that has a significant impact on individuals and society as a whole. The article explores various aspects of marriage, including its history, purpose, and impact on society.

The author argues that marriage is not just a personal choice but also a social institution with deep cultural roots. Nock discusses the evolution of marriage over time, from a purely economic arrangement to a union based on love and companionship. He notes that despite changes in the nature of marriage, it remains a key institution in many societies.

Nock also examines the purposes of marriage, including the socialization of children and the formation of stable families. He suggests that marriage provides a structure for social stability and helps to prevent social chaos. Additionally, the author discusses the impact of marriage on health and well-being, noting that married individuals tend to be happier and healthier than their unmarried counterparts.

Overall, "Marriage as a Social Institution" provides a comprehensive overview of the institution of marriage and its significance to individuals and society. The article emphasizes the importance of marriage as a stabilizing force in society and suggests that it plays a critical role in shaping the lives of individuals and families.

Marriage As A Social Institution
Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a. According to the author, what is marriage?

According to the author, marriage is a fundamental social institution that has significant implications for individuals and society as a whole.

b. How is marriage an institution?

Marriage is an institution because it involves social and cultural norms, expectations, and practices that are widely recognized and accepted. These norms and practices govern how individuals form and maintain marital relationships, and they often have significant legal and social consequences.

c. What are the rules that a marriage has?

The rules that a marriage has may include expectations for fidelity, mutual support, communication, and partnership, among others. These rules are often culturally and socially constructed and vary across time and place.

d. Why does marriage matter to men?

Marriage matters to men because it provides them with emotional and social support, and it is also linked to better physical and mental health outcomes.

e. What is one of the central problems in modern society?

One of the central problems in modern society is the decline of normative marriage and the emergence of alternative forms of intimate relationships that may be less stable and less conducive to social and economic stability.

f. What does social capital consist of?

Social capital consists of the networks, norms, and trust that exist within a community or society. It is often created through participation in social institutions such as marriage, and it is essential for social and economic well-being.

g. What is normative marriage? Explain.

Normative marriage is a type of marriage that is based on traditional norms and expectations. It typically involves a union between a man and a woman, and it is often seen as a social institution that is essential for social and economic stability. Normative marriage is often contrasted with alternative forms of intimate relationships that may be less traditional and less stable.

Reference to the context

a. Discuss six dimensions that define normative marriage in America.

Stephen L. Nock in his article “Marriage as a Social Institution” emphasizes the importance of normative marriage in American society. According to him, the institution of marriage has six dimensions that define its normative character. These dimensions are as follows:

Sexual- the sexual dimension of marriage is the most obvious and explicit aspect of marriage. Sexual relations within marriage are considered legitimate, and outside of marriage, they are considered illegitimate.

Reproductive- reproduction is an important part of the marriage institution. In the normative marriage, the ideal is that couples have children and raise a family.

Economic- economic interdependence is another important dimension of marriage. In normative marriages, couples pool their resources and share the economic burdens of life.

Legal- legal protection is an important aspect of marriage. Marriage provides legal recognition and protection for the couple and their children.

Social- social approval and recognition are important aspects of normative marriage. Marriage is a publicly recognized institution and is seen as a legitimate way to form a family.

Emotional- emotional intimacy is an important part of the marriage institution. Couples in normative marriages are expected to provide each other with emotional support and companionship.

All these dimensions work together to form a comprehensive and normative view of marriage in American society. These dimensions may vary from culture to culture but in the US, they are considered the ideal and the standard for the institution of marriage.

b. Do marriages differ according to culture? How is your marriage practice different from marriage in America?

Yes, marriages differ according to Nepali culture. Nepali culture has its own unique set of customs and traditions that differ from those in American culture. Here are some ways in which Nepali marriage practices differ from American marriage practices:

Arranged marriage: In Nepali culture, arranged marriage is still a prevalent practice. Parents or elders usually choose a spouse for their child, based on factors such as social status, caste, education, and family background. In contrast, arranged marriages are not as common in American culture, where most couples choose their own partners.

Wedding rituals: Nepali wedding rituals are different from those in American culture. Nepali weddings are typically multi-day affairs with various ceremonies and rituals that are steeped in tradition. These ceremonies include the engagement ceremony, the mehendi ceremony, the haldi ceremony, and the wedding ceremony itself, among others. In contrast, American weddings are usually a one-day event that typically includes a ceremony, reception, and dinner.

Dowry system: The dowry system is still prevalent in Nepali culture. The bride's family is expected to provide a dowry to the groom's family, which can include cash, jewelry, household goods, or property. In contrast, the dowry system is illegal in America.

Joint family system: In Nepali culture, it is common for newly married couples to live with the groom's family in a joint family system. The bride is expected to take care of the household duties and respect the elders. In contrast, in America, it is more common for newlyweds to live on their own or with just their immediate family.

Social status: In Nepali culture, social status and caste play a big role in marriage. Marriage within one's own caste or social status is preferred. In contrast, in American culture, social status and caste are less important in choosing a partner.

Gender roles: In Nepali culture, there are traditional gender roles in marriage. Men are usually seen as the head of the household and breadwinners, while women are expected to take care of the home and children. In contrast, gender roles in American culture are more flexible and there is more equality between partners.

In conclusion, Nepali and American marriage practices differ in many ways, such as in the practice of arranged marriage, wedding rituals, the dowry system, the joint family system, social status, and gender roles.

Reference beyond the text

a. Write an essay on the marriage practice in your own culture.

Marriage Practice in My Culture

Marriage is an important social institution in Nepali culture. The wedding ceremony is a grand affair, and it involves many rituals and customs. In Nepal, marriage is not just a union between two individuals, but it is a union between two families.

The first step in a Nepali wedding is the matching of horoscopes. If the horoscopes match, then the families proceed with the next steps of the marriage process. The next step is the engagement ceremony, which is known as Sagai. During this ceremony, the groom's family visits the bride's house and gives her gifts, such as clothes and jewelry.

After the engagement ceremony, the wedding date is fixed. The wedding ceremony usually takes place in the bride's home, and it involves a lot of rituals and customs. One of the most important customs in a Nepali wedding is the Kanyadaan ceremony. During this ceremony, the father of the bride gives her hand in marriage to the groom. The couple then exchanges flower garlands and takes seven vows, which are known as Saat Phere.

After the wedding ceremony, the bride goes to the groom's house, where she is welcomed by her in-laws. The groom's family then holds a reception, which is attended by all their friends and family members. During this reception, the newlyweds receive gifts and blessings from their guests.

In Nepali culture, marriage is not just a union between two individuals, but it is also a union between two families. The families of the bride and groom become one after the wedding, and they support each other in all aspects of life. The wedding ceremony is not just a celebration, but it is also an opportunity for the families to strengthen their bonds and relationships.

In conclusion, marriage is an important social institution in Nepali culture. It is a grand affair, and it involves many rituals and customs. The families of the bride and groom come together to celebrate and strengthen their relationships. Nepali weddings are a beautiful celebration of love and commitment, and they are an important part of our cultural heritage.

b. Is marriage a social institution? Discuss.

Marriage is a social institution. It defines a personal forms of relationship between man and women who make a long-lasting commitment to each other. Marriage is a unique social institution that could be interpreted and defined in a variety of forms and characterizations.

In an emotional aspect, marriage can be generalized as being in a romantic love relationship in which it is legally monogamous. Although sharing an emotional bond with a significant other is important, there are several factors that must be taken into consideration when making a decision into getting married. A couple must understand the depths of marriage in terms of survival. This emphasizes the realistic aspect of marriage which involves money. Affording a house, a family, and the necessary items to accommodate the institution can accumulate. With the right education and career, middle and upper class couples’ divorce rates have decreased, their marital happiness is consistent along with family structure.

Marriage is a socially approved courtship between two individuals in which the relationship involves sexual and economic benefits that is assumed to be permanent and includes mutual rights and obligations. It is a stable relationship in which a man and a woman are socially permitted to live together without losing their status in the community. Marriage is not merely concerned with the couple; rather it affects the whole society and future generations. The responsibilities it entrusts a couple with are thus both heavy and delicate.

In Hindu view, marriage is not a concession to human weakness, but a means for spiritual growth. Man and woman are soul mates who, through the institution of marriage, can direct the energy associated with their individual instincts and passion into the progress of their souls. So, I think that marriage is a social institution.

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