Class 11 English Guide, Section II : Literature Unit 3 Essays, Chapter - 5 Scientific Research is a Token of Humankind’s Survival

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 Section II : Literature

Unit 3 Essays

Class 11 English

Chapter - 5

Scientific Research is a Token of Humankind’s Survival


Answer 👉 

The reason why some people still choose to become scientists despite lower salaries compared to other professions such as business, law, or medicine, is because science offers a unique sense of adventure and discovery. Science allows people to explore the mysteries of nature and understand the world in a deeper and more meaningful way. Scientists often value the intellectual freedom and independence that comes with their work, as well as the camaraderie and collaboration they experience with other like-minded individuals.

Additionally, science has a practical side as well. Many technological advancements and industries, from electronics to biotechnology, stem from fundamental scientific research. People trained in science often go on to have successful careers in various industries, from finance to pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, science plays a critical role in addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity, such as natural and man-made disasters, environmental catastrophes, and health crises.

In conclusion, while being a scientist may not provide the highest income, it offers a sense of fulfillment and purpose that cannot be found in other careers.

Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a. What does a scientist get instead of big money?

Answer 👉 A scientist gets freedom, camaraderie, independence, the feeling of uncovering nature's mysteries, and the satisfaction of discovery instead of big money.

b. What was the problem that the nuclear powers had faced?

Answer 👉  To halt nuclear weapon tests, the nuclear countries had agreed to a moratorium. However, they had to deal with the issue of not being able to catch anyone breaking the agreement by testing nuclear weapons in secret underground.

c. In which area did Keilis Borok's theoretical knowledge have a direct application?

Answer 👉 As a seismologist, he was theoretically capable of identifying earthquake disturbances as well as nuclear blasts that occurred beneath. With his expertise, a covert nuclear test might be easily detected. Here, the survival of humans directly benefited from his expertise.

d. What was the important decision that the politicians took before Geneva Summit?

Answer 👉  Before the Geneva Summit, the politicians made the crucial decision to outlaw nuclear weapons in order to save humanity's existence. They said that if nuclear testing were prohibited, there would be no competition for the development of nuclear weapons.

e. What are the natural and man-made disasters as mentioned by the author?

Answer 👉  Before the Geneva Summit, the politicians made the crucial decision to outlaw nuclear weapons in order to save humanity's existence. They said that if nuclear testing were prohibited, there would be no competition for the development of nuclear weapons.

Reference to the context

a. The professional addressed as ‘you’ in the sentence “If you are clever, why are you so poor?” refers to a…

i. lawyer ii. doctor iii. scientist iv. businessman.

Answer 👉  

Explain your decision.

The "you" in this case refers to a scientist. The author wonders why some intelligent individuals choose to pursue careers in science while other occupations, such as those of attorneys, surgeons, and businesspeople, pay far higher salaries. The author wants to demonstrate that even if scientists are extremely intelligent, wealth creation is not always facilitated by their intelligence. As a result, scientists are typically intelligent yet underprivileged.

b. The writer says, “I found myself in Geneva.” What does it express?

Answer 👉   It expresses the surprise of the writer. He says the above line because he was summoned all of a sudden to attend the meeting related to nuclear weapons in Geneva.

c. Are the following statements true? Why or why not? Discuss with your partner.

Answer 👉  

i. Money is more powerful than intellectual resources.

This statement is not true. Money can give us the power to make a difference in the lives of others, but not the desire to do so. It can give us the time to develop and nurture our relationships, but not the love and caring necessary to do so. It can just as easily make us jaded, escapist, selfish, and lonely. How much do you need? What is it going to cost you to get it? It is keeping these two questions in mind that gives us a true sense of money’s relationship to happiness. If we have less than what we need, or if what we have is costing us too much, we can never be happy.

ii. Intellectual resources help survival of the mankind.

This assertion is accurate. We have fought numerous illnesses because of the intellectual resources. Despite not being the most physically fit of all God's creatures, man is able to protect himself from other strong natural enemies thanks to his cerebral capabilities. By revealing new mineral reserves and energy sources, basic research can aid in human survival. Additionally, fundamental research can defend us from terrorism.

iii. Basic research is a way of stalling disasters.

This statement is true. People in the world are living their life securely believing in scientific researches. Scientists keep on studying the ecological changes and forewarn people about natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, storms etc. People can be evacuated from the area posed with danger.

d. How does the essayist justify that scientific research is the humankind’s survival?

Answer 👉  

The writer supports his claim that scientific study is essential to humankind's existence by outlining his arguments in favor of science and the innovations it has produced. As a seismologist, he was theoretically capable of identifying earthquake disturbances as well as nuclear blasts that occurred beneath. With his expertise, a covert nuclear test might be easily detected. Here, the survival of humans directly benefited from his expertise. He views science as the essential custodian and protector of humankind's existence. The issues facing humans have solutions thanks to scientific study. We now have access to new mineral reserves, pharmaceuticals, and effective anti-terrorist defenses thanks to it. Scientific researches can easily predict the upcoming disasters ecological changes and forewarn people. People can be evacuated from the area posed with danger. Thus, the writer has numerous reasons to conclude that scientific research is the hope of humankind’s survival.

e. What can be the purpose of the essayist of using quotations in the essay?

Answer 👉  

The purpose of the essayist’s use of quotations in the essay is to support the ideas and arguments presented in the essay. He wants to get all of his readers aware to the main points that he wishes to convey. People have many misconceptions about science and scientists so he compares public understanding and the reality of a scientist’s life. So in order to support his ideas, the writer uses quotations.

f. Discuss and illustrate the writer’s stand that scientists are the most practical people in the world.

Answer 👉 In this essay, the author takes the stance that scientists are the world's most pragmatic individuals. He claims that scientific research is the source of all new industrial brands and technology, ranging from military to entertainment. Antibiotics, electronics, biotechnology, synthetic fibers, forms of transportation, the green revolution, genetic forensic diagnostics, etc. are all inventions of scientists. Only scientific research can provide us new mineral and energy sources, effective terrorism protection, cancer treatments, and new modes of transportation. This proves that scientists are the world's most pragmatic individuals.

Reference beyond the text

a. Everyone lives under the fear of annihilation by nuclear weapons. Explain this statement.

Answer 👉 The statement "Everyone lives under the fear of annihilation by nuclear weapons" refers to the widespread concern and anxiety about the destructive power of nuclear weapons and the potential for their use in a conflict. Nuclear weapons are the most powerful weapons ever created and have the potential to cause widespread destruction and loss of life on a scale never seen before. The fear of a nuclear weapon being detonated is a real one and has been a constant concern for many people since the development of nuclear weapons. This fear stems from the knowledge that a single nuclear detonation could cause widespread death, injury, and destruction, as well as long-lasting effects such as radioactive contamination and long-term health problems for survivors. As a result, many people around the world live with the fear that a nuclear war could occur at any moment, resulting in the destruction of entire cities and the loss of countless lives.

b. The essayist says ‘While there is science, there is hope of survival and wellbeing for all of us.’ Explain it.

Answer 👉 This statement means that as long as there is scientific progress and research, there is a chance for humanity to survive and thrive. The idea is that science and technology can help solve some of the biggest challenges facing humankind, such as disease, hunger, and environmental degradation. By using our collective intelligence and resources, we can create solutions that improve our lives and increase our chances of survival. The essayist believes that science is a source of hope for the future of humankind, and that as long as we continue to advance our understanding of the world and push the boundaries of what is possible, we can achieve a better, more sustainable future for all.

c. Is science a blessing or a curse? Write an essay on it

Answer 👉 

Science has been a subject of much debate and discussion for centuries, with opinions divided as to whether it is a blessing or a curse. On the one hand, science has brought about numerous advancements and improvements in our lives, from medical breakthroughs to technological innovations. These advancements have improved our quality of life, increased our life expectancy, and allowed us to live in a more interconnected world.

However, science has also had its dark side, leading to the development of weapons of mass destruction and environmental degradation. The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, for example, resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives and the widespread destruction of entire cities. Similarly, the overuse of natural resources and the release of harmful chemicals into the environment have led to significant environmental degradation and the loss of biodiversity.

Furthermore, science has also been used to justify unethical practices and experiments, such as human experimentation, genetic modification, and animal testing. These practices have led to significant ethical and moral dilemmas, and have caused widespread public concern.

In conclusion, whether science is a blessing or a curse depends on how it is used. On the one hand, it has brought about numerous positive advancements that have improved our lives in countless ways. On the other hand, it has also been used to cause significant harm, both to individuals and to the environment. Ultimately, it is up to us to ensure that science is used for the greater good, and that its negative consequences are minimized. By using science in a responsible and ethical manner, we can ensure that it remains a blessing for future generations.

All Class 11 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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