Class - 11 English Section - I Unit - 16 Critical Thinking

Book Soluction Nepal

Class - 11 English

Section - I

Unit - 16

Critical Thinking

Ways with words

A. The words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. Find them from the text to solve the puzzle based on the meaning clues given below.

Answer 👉

1. unquestionable, impossible to doubt

Answer 👉 indubitable


2. never done or known before

Answer 👉 unprecedented

3. emergence or origination

Answer 👉 emanation

4. obviously or clearly

Answer 👉 evidently

5. impossible to achieve or overcome

Answer 👉 insuperable

6. moved with a violent, irregular action

Answer 👉 agitated

7. appropriate or suitable

Answer 👉 apt

8. force back

Answer 👉 repel

9. conservative

Answer 👉 orthodox

10. up to now

Answer 👉 hitherto

B. Find the words from the text that mean the following.

Answer 👉 

a. misleading or illusionary (deceptive)

b. in a natural state; not yet processed or refined (crude)

c. a mystical horse like animal with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead (unicorn)

d. never dying or decaying (immortal)

e. come to an end; stop (cease)

f. to activate or put into motion (actuate)

Class 11 English Guide


Answer these questions.

a. What’s the difference between the body and the soul?

Answer 👉 The body is the physical aspect of a person and the soul is often considered to be the non-physical aspect of a person that is often seen as the essence of their being. The concept of the soul varies across different cultures and religious beliefs, but it is generally thought to be separate from the physical body and to exist after death.

b. What do you understand by the psychologists’ saying that there is no such thing as mind?

Answer 👉 By saying that there is no such thing as mind, psychologists mean that the mind cannot be considered a separate entity from the brain and body. Instead, they view mental activities, such as thoughts and emotions, as being the result of physical and biological processes in the brain and body.

c. How can a mental activity be reduced to a physical activity?

Answer 👉  Mental activity can be reduced to physical activity by looking at the underlying biological and neural processes that are responsible for mental activities. For example, a thought can be traced back to specific neural pathways and electrical signals in the brain.

d. How are mind and body related?

Answer 👉 The relationship between the mind and body is complex and multi-faceted. Many psychologists believe that the mind and body are deeply interconnected, with the brain and nervous system playing a central role in shaping our mental experiences and behavior.

e. What is the relation between mind and memory? Does memory survive a person's death?

Answer 👉 The mind and memory are closely related, as the mind is responsible for the storage and retrieval of memories. However, the exact relationship between the mind and memory is not fully understood, and it is a topic of ongoing research. There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that memory survives a person's death, and most psychologists believe that memories are stored in the brain and are lost when the brain ceases to function.

f. How is our power on the earth's surface entirely dependent upon the sun?

Answer 👉 Our power on the earth's surface is entirely dependent upon the sun because the sun is the source of all energy on earth. Through photosynthesis, plants use energy from the sun to produce food and oxygen. This energy is then passed on to other living things, including humans, who rely on it for survival. Additionally, the sun plays a key role in regulating the earth's climate, and its energy is used to generate electricity in many parts of the world.

Critical Thinking

a. Do you believe that soul really exists? Write your arguments in support of your answer.

Answer 👉 The existence of the soul is a philosophical and spiritual concept that has been debated for centuries and is still not scientifically proven. Some people believe that the soul is an immortal and incorporeal essence that animates the body and gives us consciousness, free will, and moral responsibility. They argue that the soul provides an explanation for the unity and persistence of personal identity and for the existence of consciousness and subjective experience, which cannot be reduced to physical processes in the brain. However, others argue that the soul is a purely religious or cultural invention, and that consciousness and mental phenomena can be fully explained by biological, neurological, and computational processes in the brain.

b. If you want to change your body, you first have to change your mind. Discuss.

Answer 👉 The idea that changing one's mind can lead to a change in one's body is a common psychological concept that is supported by various theories and empirical evidence. For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and positive psychology focus on changing one's thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes in order to improve physical health, well-being, and performance. Research has shown that our thoughts and emotions can influence the physiological systems of the body, such as the immune system, the cardiovascular system, and the endocrine system. Furthermore, the placebo effect demonstrates that our expectations and beliefs can have a powerful impact on the physical sensations and experiences we have, even if they are not objectively real. In other words, our mind and body are interconnected and influence each other in complex and dynamic ways, which is why changing one's mind can lead to a change in one's body.


Write critically on the given topics.

a. The existence of God

Answer 👉  The existence of God is a subject that has been debated and discussed by scholars, philosophers, theologians, and common people alike for centuries. Some argue that the existence of God is self-evident and can be deduced through reason and intuition. They point to the complexities of the universe, the intricacies of life, and the fact that everything appears to have a purpose, as evidence of the existence of an intelligent creator.

Others argue that the existence of God is not supported by empirical evidence and that belief in God is based on faith and tradition. They point to the diversity of religious beliefs and the lack of scientific evidence for the existence of God as evidence of the unreliability of religious claims. They argue that the concept of God is a human invention, used to explain the mysteries of the universe and provide comfort in the face of adversity.

Regardless of one's position on the existence of God, it is clear that the question of God's existence has been central to human inquiry for centuries and continues to be an important subject of discussion and debate.

b. Religion influences ethics and morality

Answer 👉 

Religion is a powerful force that has shaped the course of human history and influenced the development of ethics and morality. It provides a framework for understanding the meaning of life, the nature of good and evil, and the purpose of existence. It also provides a set of moral codes and principles that individuals can use to guide their behavior and make decisions about right and wrong.

Many argue that religion has a positive impact on ethics and morality by promoting kindness, compassion, and fairness, and by providing guidance on how to live a virtuous life. For example, many religious teachings emphasize the importance of helping others, treating others with respect and dignity, and living a life of integrity.

However, there are also those who argue that religion can have a negative impact on ethics and morality by promoting prejudice, discrimination, and violence. For example, some religious traditions have been used to justify acts of violence and discrimination against certain groups of people, such as women and members of minority religious groups.

Regardless of one's perspective on the influence of religion on ethics and morality, it is clear that religion has played an important role in shaping human thought and behavior throughout history, and continues to do so today.


A. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘used to’. You can make an affirmative/ negative statement or a question.

Answer 👉 

a. I/live in a flat when I was a child.

I used to live in a flat when I was a child.

b. She/love eating chocolate but now she hates it.

She used to love eating chocolate but now she hates it.

c. He/go to fishing in the summer?

Did he use to go fishing in the summer?

d. My sister/play tennis when she was at school.

My sister used to play tennis when she was at school.

e. He/play football every weekend?

Did he use to play football every weekend?

f. My grandfather/speak five languages.

My grandfather used to speak five languages.

g. I/not hate school from the beginning.

I did not use to hate school from the beginning.

h. You/live in Kathmandu?

Did you use to live in Kathmandu?

i. He/play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.

He used to play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.

j. She/wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans.

She used to wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans.

B. Write a short paragraph describing your past habits.

Answer 👉 For five years, I lived with my uncle. I used to begin my regular tasks in the mornings at my uncle’s home. Despite having a full-time job at home, I used to strive for first place in my class. My instructors utilised locally accessible materials to make their lessons successful, despite the fact that my school lacked enough resources. They’d cheer us up in class by being nice. Project work was assigned by our English instructor. It proved to be very beneficial to our academic endeavours.

All Class 11 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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