Class 11 English Section - I Unit - 13 Career And Entrepreneurship Guide

Book Soluction Nepal

Class 11 English

Section - I

Unit - 13

Career And Entrepreneurship

Ways with words

A. Find the words from the text which mean the following. The first letter has been given.

Answer 👉 

a. making you feel physically relaxed; pleasant to wear, sit on, etc. (comfortable)

b. having a degree from the university (graduated)

c. without being connected with or influenced by something or by each other (independently)

d. the introduction of new things, ideas or ways of doing something (innovation)

e. familiar with something, having read, seen or experienced it (acquainted)

f. a person who makes money by starting or running businesses, especially when this involves taking financial risks (entrepreneur)

g. an opportunity or a place for somebody to express their opinions publicly or make progress in a particular area (platform)

h. to use something, especially for a practical purpose (utilize)

B.Write the plural forms of the following nouns.

Answer 👉 

a. calf : calves

b. basis : bases

c. sheaf : sheaves

d. cactus : cacti / cactuses

e. louse : lice

f. crisis : crises

g. person : people / persons

h. formula : formulas

i. ox: oxen

j. fungus : fungi

k. goose : geese

l. oasis : oases

m. analysis : analyses

n. curriculum : curricula

o. appendix : appendixes

p. fungus : fungi

Class 11 English Notes and solutions 


Answer these questions.

a. How did Mahabir Pun begin his lifelong journey in Nepal after coming back to Nepal from the US?

Answer 👉 After coming back to Nepal from the US, Mahabir Pun began his lifelong journey by working on telecommunication projects in rural areas of Nepal.

b. Why didn't he want to work for other companies in the US or in Nepal?

Answer 👉 He didn't want to work for other companies in the US or in Nepal because he was inspired to use technology to improve the lives of rural communities and create opportunities for them.

c. Why did he involve in innovation?

Answer 👉 He became involved in innovation because he believed that technology could be used to address the challenges faced by rural communities in Nepal and help improve their lives.

d. What are the income-generating programmes that he helped to start?

Answer 👉 The income-generating programs that he helped to start include telecommunication services, internet connectivity, and mobile banking services for rural communities.

e. Whose support is Pun getting to proceed with his campaign?

Answer 👉 Pun is getting support from a variety of sources, including the government of Nepal, international organizations, and private sector companies.

f. How have the developed countries become prosperous?

Answer 👉 Developed countries have become prosperous through a combination of factors, including investments in education and training, development of infrastructure, and a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.

g. How can we keep the most talented and innovative people in Nepal?

Answer 👉 To keep the most talented and innovative people in Nepal, the government and private sector can work together to provide opportunities for education and training, support entrepreneurship and innovation, and create a supportive environment for technology-driven business ventures.

Critical thinking

a. Pun says, “We do not have culture of innovation that encourages young people to be innovative and creative”. Do you agree with him? Explain.

Answer 👉 Whether one agrees with Pun's statement or not likely depends on personal opinions and experiences. Some people may agree that there is a lack of culture of innovation in Nepal that encourages young people to be innovative and creative, while others may disagree and point to examples of successful innovators and entrepreneurs in the country.

b. What qualities does an individual need to become an entrepreneur?

Answer 👉 

To become an entrepreneur, an individual typically needs several qualities, including:

  • A strong vision and the ability to see opportunities where others see challenges
  • Self-motivation and drive
  • A willingness to take risks and make difficult decisions
  • Creativity and problem-solving skills
  • Excellent communication and leadership skills
  • Financial management and business acumen
  • Resilience and the ability to bounce back from setbacks and failures.


E. Use the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.

Answer 👉 

a. I don’t know where Muna is. Have you seen (you/see) her?

b. Janak wasn’t (not/be) very well last week.

c. Last night I lost (lose) my keys. So I stayed in my friend’s home.

d. I have lost (lose) my keys. Can you help me look for them?

e. I have known (know) Jamuna for three years. We still meet once a month.

f. She lived (live) in Sikkim when she was a child.


A: What’s wrong?

B: I have broken (break) a glass.


A: When did you arrive (you/arrive)?

B: At 10 pm last night.

i. How long have you known (you/know) Sarmila for?

j. This is the first time I have driven (drive) a car.

F. Use been or gone.

a. I’ve never been to Japan.

b. Kalpana has gone to Korea. She may come back next year.


A: Where’s Rachana?

B: She has gone to the shops.

d. Harina was here earlier but I think she has gone now.

e. Have you ever been to London?

All Class 11 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

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Section II : Literature
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Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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