Class 11 English Solution, Section - I Class - 11 Unit - 9 Democracy And Human Rights

Book Soluction Nepal

Section - I

Class - 10

Unit - 9

Democracy And Human Rights

Ways with words

A. Find the words in the text that mean the same as the following. The first letters are given.

Answer 👉 

a. the system that completely separated black people from white people (apartheid)

b. formal objection (protest)

c. an ethnical group of people (tribe)

d. an act undertaken to achieve a set goal (campaign)

e. the formal beginning of any movement (inauguration)

f. a strong feeling of excitement and happiness (exhilaration)

g. being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions (emancipation)

B. Find these words in a dictionary and write their meanings as they are used in the text.

Answer 👉 

Liberty: Freedom or the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.

Example: "The right to liberty is a fundamental human right."

Conflict: A struggle or disagreement between opposing parties or forces.

Example: "The conflict between the two nations had been raging for years."

Ideology: A set of beliefs, principles, or opinions that shape the actions and decisions of a person or group.

Example: "Political ideologies have a strong influence on the actions of politicians."

Oppression: The exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner.

Example: "The oppressed population was denied basic human rights."

Privilege: A right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most.

Example: "The privilege of having a higher education often leads to better job opportunities."

Dignity: The quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect.

Example: "The respect and dignity shown to the elderly is an important cultural value."

Surrender: To yield control or possession of something to another.

Example: "The enemy was forced to surrender after a long and difficult battle."

Reconciliation: The restoration of friendly relations.

Example: "The reconciliation between the two former enemies took many years of effort."

C. The ‘d’ or ‘ed’ in the following verbs have different pronunciation. Put these verbs in the correct box.

[asked, killed, missed, ended, decided, washed, visited, lasted, watched, picked, smiled, fixed, walked, blessed, brushed, stopped, wanted, reached, laughed, enjoyed]

Answer 👉 

'd'ended, decided, washed, visited, fixed, walked, brushed, stopped, wanted, reached
'ed'asked, killed, missed, lasted, watched, picked, smiled, blessed, laughed, enjoyed

Class 11 English Soluction


Answer these questions.

a. What were the restrictions imposed on the Blacks in South Africa?

Answer 👉 The restrictions imposed on the Blacks in South Africa were apartheid laws which enforced segregation and discrimination based on race. These laws deprived Blacks of their political and economic rights, including the right to vote, own property, and access quality education and healthcare.

b. Why was Mandela arrested?

Answer 👉 Mandela was arrested because of his activism and leadership in the anti-apartheid movement, particularly his involvement in the African National Congress (ANC). The apartheid government considered the ANC to be a militant organization and Mandela was arrested and convicted of sabotage and treason in 1964.

c. How did he describe racism and racial oppression?

Answer 👉 Mandela described racism and racial oppression as a cruel and unjust system that dehumanizes those who are subjected to it and creates division and hatred among people. He believed that apartheid was a moral and political evil that had to be eradicated.

d. Why did he thank all the international guests?

Answer 👉 Mandela thanked all the international guests for their support of the anti-apartheid movement and for their efforts to bring an end to apartheid in South Africa. He acknowledged their role in helping to bring about a peaceful and negotiated transition to a new democratic government.

e. Why did he think that people in his country had achieved political emancipation?

Answer 👉 Mandela believed that people in his country had achieved political emancipation because they had successfully ended the apartheid system and established a democratic government that was based on the principles of equality and human rights. He believed that this was a major achievement and a step towards a brighter future for all South Africans.

f. What is the main point of Mandela’s speech?

Answer 👉 The main point of Mandela's speech was to celebrate the end of apartheid and the establishment of a democratic government in South Africa. He emphasized the importance of reconciliation and nation-building in order to move forward as a united country. He also acknowledged the role of international support in helping to bring about a peaceful transition and encouraged continued support in the ongoing effort to address the legacy of apartheid.

Critical thinking

a. What does Mandela mean when he says - a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world?

Answer 👉 The phrase "a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world" refers to Mandela's vision for South Africa as a diverse and harmonious society, in which all people are equal and coexist peacefully, both within the country and in its relationships with other nations. The term "rainbow nation" is often used to describe the diverse mix of races, cultures, and ethnicities in South Africa, and it represents a vision of unity and hope in the face of historical racial tensions and division.

b. Mandela should have avenged on those who imprisoned him for such a long period. Instead, he followed the path of reconciliation. Why do you think he did so?

Answer 👉 Mandela chose the path of reconciliation instead of avenging those who imprisoned him because he believed that it was the only way to achieve lasting peace and unity in South Africa. He recognized that the country had a long history of racial division and oppression, and he felt that the only way to move forward was through forgiveness and understanding. He felt that seeking retribution would only lead to further division and conflict, and that true peace and healing could only be achieved through dialogue and reconciliation.

c. Why and how have societies struggled with segregation in the world? Do you find any evidence of segregation in your society? Discuss.

Answer 👉 Societies around the world have struggled with segregation, which has been perpetuated through various forms of discrimination, including laws, policies, and cultural attitudes. Evidence of segregation can still be found in many parts of the world, including in developed countries. For example, racial disparities in access to education, healthcare, and housing are still persistent in many societies, and some communities continue to experience discrimination and prejudice. In my society, although significant progress has been made in addressing discrimination and promoting equality, there are still instances of racial and cultural segregation, and work remains to be done to achieve true equality and inclusiveness.


a. Nepal has topsy-turvy political history. Many changes have been observed in different times. Write a short biography of any Nepali freedom fighter incorporating the changes brought under his/her leadership.

Answer 👉 One Nepali freedom fighter who had a significant impact on the country's political history is B.P. Koirala. He was born on August 21, 1914, in the small village of Deogarh in eastern Nepal. He was a Nepali politician, writer, and socialist who played a major role in the country's struggle for democracy.

In 1951, Koirala was arrested for his involvement in a plot to overthrow the Rana dynasty, which had ruled Nepal for 104 years. He was imprisoned for several years and was released in 1955. Following his release, he became actively involved in Nepali politics and was instrumental in the establishment of the Nepali Congress, which aimed to end the Rana rule and establish democracy in Nepal.

Under Koirala's leadership, the Nepali Congress launched a popular movement to overthrow the Rana dynasty in 1959. This movement was successful and led to the establishment of a democratic government in Nepal. As the first democratically elected Prime Minister of Nepal, Koirala brought significant changes to the country. He introduced policies to modernize the country, strengthen its infrastructure, and improve the standard of living of its people. He also worked towards improving the position of women in Nepali society and ensuring their equal rights.

However, Koirala's tenure was marred by political turmoil and frequent changes of government. Despite these challenges, he continued to work towards the betterment of the country and its people. He passed away on July 21, 1982, but his legacy lives on in the form of the changes he brought about in Nepali society and the country's political landscape.

B.P. Koirala was a visionary leader who played a crucial role in the establishment of democracy in Nepal. His leadership and the changes he brought about have had a lasting impact on the country and its people.

b. Do you think there is racial/caste related discrimination in our country? Discuss with your friend; write a five-minute speech.

Answer 👉 

Good afternoon everyone, today I would like to bring your attention to an important issue that affects our society, the issue of racial and caste-based discrimination.

As we all know, discrimination based on race, caste, or any other personal characteristic is not only unjust, but it also hampers the growth and development of a nation. In our country, despite numerous efforts to eliminate discrimination, it still persists in various forms.

From employment opportunities to education, people are often denied equal rights and opportunities due to their race or caste. This not only affects the individual but also the society as a whole, as it stunts the growth of human potential and perpetuates inequality.

Moreover, such discrimination often leads to social and economic exclusion of marginalized communities. This exclusion can take various forms, such as unequal access to basic amenities, limited job opportunities, and social stigma.

It is imperative that we work together to combat this issue and create a more inclusive society. As individuals, we can start by being more aware of our own biases and prejudices and making an effort to be more accepting and tolerant of people from all backgrounds.

We can also support organizations and initiatives that work towards promoting equality and combating discrimination. It is only through collective action that we can bring about meaningful change.

In conclusion, racial and caste-based discrimination is a pervasive issue in our society and it is our responsibility to work towards eliminating it. Let us strive to create a more inclusive and just society where everyone has equal opportunities to succeed and realize their full potential. Thank you.


B. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t. Use one of these verbs.

[drink, visit, leave, roam, quit]

Answer 👉 

a. You have really done a wonderful job. I recommend you shouldn’t leave it.

b. That’s a very dangerous area. Tourists shouldn’t visit there.

c. I’m going to be late. Do you think I should leave now?

d. Children shouldn’t drink sugary drinks. It’s not very healthy.

e. I have lots of homework. I shouldn’t roam here and there today.

C. Put in had better or should.

Answer 👉 

a. I think you should learn English to enroll a university course.

b. It’s a great film. You should go and see it.

c. I have to meet my friend in ten minutes. I had better go now or I’ll be late.

d. These biscuits are delicious. You should try one.

e. We had better get to the airport by 2 pm or else we may miss the flight.

f. When people are driving, they should keep their eyes on the road.

g. I should get up early tomorrow. I’ve got a lot to do.

All Class 11 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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