Class 11 English Section - I Unit - 7 Ecology And Development

Book Soluction Nepal

Section - I 

Unit - 7

Ecology And Development

Ways with words

A. Match the words with their meanings.

Constituency 👉  electoral district

Pursue 👉 to follow in an effort to overtake or capture

Infiltrate 👉  to enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) secretly and gradually

Nomadic 👉  living the life of roaming

Anatomy 👉  art of studying the different parts of any organized body

Subversive 👉  seeking or intended to overthrow an established system or institution

C. Make two other words by using each prefix given above and use them in sentences.

Answer 👉 


Malignancy – This should be followed up to exclude a malignancy.

Malware – Malware and viruses could infect their computers.


Misspell – t’s difficult to see misspell in a sentence.

Mismatch – Their marriage was a mismatch they had little in common.


Uncover – Erin never does get to uncover his true identity.

Unsafe – If it weren’t so unsafe, he’d take her with him


Inedible – The food on the flight was totally inedible.

Incapable – She’d been incapable of empathy or remorse.


Prevent – I’m sorry to prevent you from seeing him.

Preplan – Now, it is time to preplan new trip.


Illogical – Not being feminist to me is just totally illogical.

Illusion – These will give the illusion of a cinched waist.


Discomfort – Elisabeth’s discomfort was evident.

Disengage – Overcharge the Plasma Pistol and disengage a vehicle.


Immature – Katie had always been immature, maybe even a little lazy.

Immortal – The Dark One was going to turn her Immortal.


Return – I have something to return to you.

Rewrite – We can rewrite history as much as we like.


Irremovable – Nowadays, most of smartphone have irremovable battery.

Irrational – These are isolated cases of irrational numbers.


Deactivate – At this point your account will immediately be deactivated.

Defrost – A basic microwave oven should be able to cook, defrost and reheat.


Nonstick – You’ll definitely need an nonstick cooking spray.

Nonverbal – Their nonverbal exchange made me smile.

Class 11 English Notes and solutions


Answer these questions.

a. What did Maathai decide to do for the community?

Answer 👉 Wangari Maathai decided to mobilize and educate the women of her community to plant trees in order to protect the environment, conserve natural resources, and improve their own livelihoods.

b. Mention the problems faced by women in Kenya.

Answer 👉 Women in Kenya faced several problems, including limited access to land, water, and other resources, as well as discrimination and inequality in terms of education, health care, and political representation.

c. Why did the speaker go to the women to talk about planting trees?

Answer 👉 The speaker went to the women to talk about planting trees because she believed that they would be most affected by environmental degradation and deforestation and would therefore be motivated to take action to protect their communities and resources.

d. What is the most important achievement of the movement described in the text?

Answer 👉  The most important achievement of the movement described in the text is the widespread planting of trees, which has helped to improve the environment, conserve natural resources, and improve the lives of the women who participated in the initiative.

e. Why were the foresters’ ways not helpful to the women for planting trees?

Answer 👉 The foresters’ ways were not helpful to the women for planting trees because the women were not able to access the resources and support they needed to carry out the planting and care for the trees. In addition, the foresters’ methods were often top-down and did not take into account the needs and perspectives of the women in the communities.

f. When and how did she start The Green Belt Movement?

Answer 👉 Maathai started The Green Belt Movement in 1977 as a way to mobilize and educate women in Kenya about the importance of planting trees for the environment and for their own livelihoods.

g. Why do the donors want to provide money to the women?

Answer 👉 The donors want to provide money to the women because they believe that the women will be able to use the resources effectively and efficiently to carry out the planting and care for the trees, and because they see the initiative as a way to promote environmental conservation and sustainable development.

h. What happened when the speaker criticized the political leadership?

Answer 👉 When the speaker criticized the political leadership, she faced opposition and backlash from the government and other powerful groups. Despite these challenges, she continued to speak out and advocate for environmental conservation and women's rights.

i. Mention the agencies that supported her movement?

Answer 👉 The agencies that supported her movement include the United Nations, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the African Development Bank, among others.

Critical thinking

a. Do you think that the title “Foresters without Diplomas” is suitable to the essay? How?

Answer 👉 Yes, I think the title "Foresters without Diplomas" is suitable to the essay because it refers to the women who were involved in the Green Belt Movement started by Wangari Maathai in Kenya. These women, who were mostly rural and illiterate, were not trained as professional foresters, but they made significant contributions to their community by planting trees, improving the environment, and conserving natural resources. The title highlights their ability to make a positive impact despite their lack of formal education and training.

b. Can a person make a difference in a society? Discuss with an example from a person who has made a difference in your society.

Answer 👉 Yes, a person can make a difference in society. Many individuals have made positive changes in their communities through their actions and initiatives. For example, in my society, there are several examples of people who have made a difference. One such person is Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist for female education. She is the youngest Nobel Prize laureate and has been advocating for the education of girls in Pakistan and around the world. Her efforts have brought attention to the issue and have helped many girls gain access to education who otherwise would have been denied it.

This example demonstrates that a single person can have a significant impact on society if they are passionate about a cause and are willing to take action to make a difference.


B. Suppose you are MacDonald. Write a reply to Sandra Shaw .

Answer 👉 

Dear Mrs. Shaw,

Thank you for taking the time to write to me about the issues you have encountered in the flat. I appreciate your feedback and am sorry to hear that you have been facing some difficulties.

I will arrange for someone to come and inspect the furniture and windows in the flat to see what can be done. In regards to the heating, I will look into the possibility of upgrading the system or fixing it so that it works better.

With regards to the kitchen, I will arrange for the painting to be done as soon as possible. If you are willing to do the work yourself, I am happy to provide the necessary paint and any other materials you may need.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help. I will do my best to ensure that the flat is comfortable for you to live in.

Thank you for bringing these issues to my attention.

Best regards,


c. Write an essay on ‘The Community Forest in Nepal’. Describe how these community forests have contributed to maintain ecology in our environment.

Answer 👉 

The Community Forest in Nepal

The Community Forest in Nepal is a vital aspect of the country's ecology and environmental sustainability. These forests play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of the ecosystem and preserving the natural resources. The concept of community forests in Nepal originated in the late 1980s and has since been widely adopted in many parts of the country.

Community forests in Nepal are managed and protected by local communities, with the help of the government. The management of these forests is based on the principle of participatory forestry, where local communities play an active role in the conservation and development of these forests. The communities are involved in decision-making processes, such as deciding which trees to plant, how to manage the forests, and how to utilize the resources sustainably. This approach has proven to be effective in reducing deforestation, preserving biodiversity, and improving the livelihoods of local communities.

The Community Forest in Nepal has significantly contributed to the preservation of ecology in the environment. These forests provide crucial habitats for numerous species of wildlife, including rare and endangered species. The forests also act as carbon sinks, helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In addition, community forests help to maintain the water cycle and prevent soil erosion, preserving the fertile soil for agriculture and other forms of land use.

Another important contribution of the Community Forest in Nepal is its role in preserving the cultural heritage of the country. These forests are home to many sacred groves and other cultural sites, which are significant to the local communities. By protecting these forests, the communities are preserving their cultural heritage and passing it on to future generations.


c. Underline the verb in each sentence and write whether it is transitive, intransitive or linking.

Answer 👉 

a. His father looks handsome.

looks = linking verb

b. Bhawana drinks milk every day.

drinks = transitive verb

c. He became a watchman.

became = linking verb

d. This bread smells good.

smells = linking verb

e. The dog barked loudly.

barked = intransitive verb

f. He chased the dog.

chased = transitive verb

g. My sister swims fast.

intransitive verb

h. He painted a picture.

painted = transitive verb

i. Radhika always asks questions.

asks = transitive verb

j. Anjana has a long hair.

has = linking verb

k. Hungry lion roars.

intransitive verb

l. He tried again and again.

tried = intransitive verb

m. The weather is hot.

is = linking verb

n. Owls hide in the daytime.

hide = intransitive verb

All Class 11 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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