Class - 11 English Unit - 14 Power And Politics solution

Book Soluction Nepal

Class - 11 English

Unit - 14

Power And Politics

Ways with words

A. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word.

a. Many portraits of Napoleon show him with his right hand placed inside his coat.

Answer 👉 sketch


b. Napoleon won one victory after another, defeating the Austrians in eighteen battles.

Answer 👉 beating

c. Portrait painters thought this pose made men look more dignified.

Answer 👉 good-looking

d. They announced France a republic.

Answer 👉 officially declared

e. Napoleon conquered Austria in 1805.

Answer 👉 triumphed over

f. There was no place to house his soldiers in the bitter Russian winter.

Answer 👉 Cold

g. Napoleon was humiliated when he was defeated.

Answer 👉 shamed

B. Guess the meanings to these words from the text and make sentences of your own.

Answer 👉 

a. Violent - characterized by or tending to cause violence; forceful or intense.

Example: The protest turned violent as the police used tear gas to control the crowd.

b. Execute - to carry out; perform; complete.

Example: The company plans to execute its marketing strategy by the end of the year.

c. Ancient - very old; having existed for a long time.

Example: The ancient ruins of the Mayan civilization attract thousands of tourists every year.

d. Alliance - a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries.

Example: The alliance between the two countries led to increased trade and political stability.

e. Brilliant - extremely bright or dazzling; shining very brightly.

Example: The brilliant sun set behind the mountains, creating a beautiful orange and red sky.

f. Genius - a person with exceptional intelligence or natural talent.

Example: Albert Einstein is widely regarded as a genius for his groundbreaking theories on physics.

g. Consul - a government official appointed to reside in a foreign country and protect the interests of his or her own country and its citizens.

Example: The consul worked to negotiate a trade agreement between the two nations.

h. Invading - to enter and take control of (a country or area) by force.

Example: The invading army quickly took control of the city, setting up a new government.

Class 11 English Guide


Answer these questions.

a. Where was Napoleon from?

Answer 👉 Napoleon Bonaparte was from Corsica, a Mediterranean island that was then part of the Republic of Genoa but later became part of France.

b. Why did poor and middle-class people declare France a republic?

Answer 👉  The poor and middle-class people of France declared France a republic because they were fed up with the corrupt and ineffective rule of the French monarchy. They wanted a system of government that would provide them with more political and economic power, and they saw the creation of a republic as a means to achieve these goals.

c. When did Napoleon declare himself emperor of France?

Answer 👉  Napoleon declared himself emperor of France on December 2, 1804.

d. What did he do when he ruled France?

Answer 👉 When he ruled France, Napoleon implemented a number of reforms aimed at modernizing the country and strengthening its position as a major European power. He centralized the government, reformed the legal system, and established a strong army and bureaucracy. He also launched a series of wars that expanded the French empire and brought glory to France.

e. Which countries did he rule when he was the emperor?

Answer 👉 When he was the emperor, Napoleon ruled over France, much of Europe, and parts of Africa and the Middle East.

f. What was the main cause of his destruction?

Answer 👉 The main cause of Napoleon's destruction was his ambition to conquer and rule more territory, which ultimately led to his defeat in battle and exile.

g. How did his rule as emperor end in Europe?

Answer 👉 Napoleon's rule as emperor in Europe ended with his defeat at the Battle of Leipzig in 1813 and his abdication in 1814. He was exiled to the island of Elba, but escaped and returned to France, where he was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. He was then exiled again, this time to the remote island of Saint Helena in the South Atlantic, where he died in 1821.

h. How could Napoleon have been an even greater ruler?

Answer 👉 Napoleon could have been an even greater ruler if he had shown more moderation and humility in his conquests and governance. He might also have benefited from a more inclusive approach to governance that would have allowed him to build a wider base of support and reduce the opposition he faced. Additionally, if he had developed better diplomatic skills and a more cooperative approach to relationships with other European powers, he might have been able to avoid some of the conflicts that ultimately led to his downfall.

Critical thinking

a. What can be the qualities of a great leader? Can a great leader remain in power for long in a country? Discuss.

Answer 👉 The qualities of a great leader vary depending on the context, but some of the commonly accepted qualities include integrity, vision, empathy, good communication skills, the ability to inspire and motivate others, and a strong sense of responsibility. While being a great leader is no guarantee of staying in power for a long time, it is possible for a great leader to maintain power if they have the support of the people and are able to effectively navigate the challenges and complexities of their role. However, in some countries, the political landscape may be such that a great leader is unable to remain in power for long, due to various factors such as political opposition, economic conditions, or other systemic challenges.

b, The 16th president of the USA, Abraham Lincoln said democracy is government of the people for the people and by the people. Do you think it is perfectly applicable in the present context of Nepal? Explain.

Answer 👉 Abraham Lincoln's statement about democracy being government of the people for the people and by the people is a well-known principle that is still relevant today. However, whether this statement is perfectly applicable in the present context of Nepal is a matter of debate. While Nepal has been a democratic country for many years, there are still challenges to ensuring that the government truly represents the people and is accountable to them. For example, there are concerns about corruption, lack of transparency in decision-making, and the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities. Whether democracy in Nepal is truly of the people, for the people, and by the people depends on how well these challenges are addressed and the extent to which the government is able to ensure that the voices and needs of all citizens are heard and addressed.


a. Write an essay on Power and Politics in about 500 words.

Answer 👉 

Power and politics in Nepal have been a complex and dynamic issue for decades. The country has undergone several political upheavals, including a decade-long civil war, and the eventual formation of a federal democratic republic in 2008. However, the journey towards political stability and effective governance has been far from smooth.

One of the major challenges in Nepal’s political landscape has been the distribution of power between the central government and the provinces. The adoption of federalism has given rise to a power-sharing arrangement between the two levels of government, but this has also led to a struggle for control and influence. This has resulted in a lack of coordination and cooperation between the central and provincial governments, leading to an ineffective implementation of policies and programs.

Another issue in Nepal’s political landscape is corruption. Corruption has been a persistent problem in the country, and has affected the functioning of various institutions, including the government and the judiciary. This has not only led to the loss of public trust in these institutions but also undermines the country’s economic growth and development.

The political parties in Nepal have also been a source of instability and inefficiency in the country. Political parties have been more focused on jockeying for power and personal gains, rather than working together for the common good of the country. This has resulted in a lack of consensus and cooperation among the political parties, leading to an inability to implement policies effectively.

Despite these challenges, there have been efforts towards political stability and effective governance in Nepal. The government has been working to address the power-sharing arrangement between the central and provincial governments, and has also taken steps to combat corruption. Additionally, civil society organizations and the media have been playing a critical role in holding the government accountable and promoting transparency and accountability.

In conclusion, power and politics in Nepal have been a challenging issue for the country. The distribution of power between the central and provincial governments, corruption, and the behavior of political parties have all contributed to an ineffective governance and political instability. However, there have been efforts towards political stability and effective governance, and these efforts must continue if Nepal is to achieve a stable and prosperous future.

It is important to note that while political stability and effective governance are essential for a country’s progress and development, they must be accompanied by the protection of human rights and the promotion of democratic values. The government, civil society, and the media must work together to ensure that the country remains on a path towards political stability and effective governance, while also protecting the rights and freedoms of its citizens.

b. Write a couple of paragraphs about a national hero who fought bravely in the Anglo-Nepal War.

Answer 👉 One of the national heroes who fought bravely in the Anglo-Nepal War was Amar Singh Thapa. He was a legendary Nepalese military commander who is widely known for his bravery and strategic thinking. He led the Nepalese army against the British East India Company in the Anglo-Nepal War and played a crucial role in defending the country from foreign invasion.

Amar Singh Thapa was born in 1757 in a family of military background and was trained in warfare from a young age. He rose to prominence during the war against the British East India Company and became one of the most respected military commanders in the Nepalese army. He was known for his courage and his ability to rally his troops during battles. He led his army to victory in several key battles, including the Battle of Deura, which was a major turning point in the war.

Amar Singh Thapa's bravery and leadership inspired many Nepalese to fight against the British invaders. He was able to keep the British at bay for several years, despite being vastly outnumbered and outgunned. He was also known for his strategic thinking and his ability to adapt to changing circumstances on the battlefield. He was able to keep the British forces at bay until the signing of the Treaty of Sugauli in 1816, which marked the end of the Anglo-Nepal War.

Amar Singh Thapa's legacy lives on in Nepal, and he is remembered as one of the country's greatest national heroes. His bravery and leadership inspired many Nepalese to fight for their independence and sovereignty, and he remains a symbol of Nepalese patriotism and resistance against foreign invasion.


B. Fill in the blanks with may, must or can’t.

Answer 👉 

a. Matthew must be at home. I can see his bike in front of his home.

b. They may be coming tomorrow.

c. She can’t speak French very well. She’s only lived in Paris for two weeks.

d. My key is not in my pocket or on my desk so it must be in the drawer.

e. I saw him yesterday. He can’t be abroad.

f. You got the job? That’s great. You must be very delighted.

g. I may finish it by tomorrow if I stay at work all night, but I’m not sure.

h. Somebody is knocking on the door. It must be Sabina – she promised to come today.

C. Rewrite the following sentences using may/might, must or can’t.

Answer 👉 

a. I’m sure he’s not going to the cinema today.

Ans: He can’t be going to the cinema today.

b. Perhaps she knows the answer.

Ans: She may know the answer.

c. I’m sure he has a car.

Ans: He must have a car.

d. I doubt if it rains later on.

Ans: It may rain later on.

e. Perhaps she wants to be alone.

Ans: She may want to be alone.

f. I’m sure Harina is in her office.

Ans: Harina must be in her office.

All Class 11 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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