Class - 11 English Unit - 17 Globalisation And Diaspora

Book Soluction Nepal

Class - 11 English

Unit - 17

Globalisation And Diaspora

Ways with words

A. Choose the words for the following meanings.

a. the severely damaging or destructive effects of something

Answer 👉 ravage

b. someone forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster

Answer 👉 refugee

c. to face a difficult situation

Answer 👉 confront

d. take a position of power or importance illegally or by force

Answer 👉 usurp

e. the process of becoming a part of a group, country, society, etc.

Answer 👉 assimilation

f. an area within a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct

Answer 👉 enclave

B. Collocation refers to words that are found together in spoken and written language. Collocations can be either fixed, where it is difficult to replace one of the words with an alternative, or freer, allowing for more choice of words. The most common types of collocation are:

Answer 👉 

adjective + noun, verb + noun, noun + noun, and adverb + adjective.

Adjective + noun collocations are examples of fixed collocations, for instance "strong coffee" or "sweet music." These expressions cannot be easily substituted without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Verb + noun collocations are also fixed and refer to the common relationship between a verb and its object. For example, "make an appointment" or "take a photo."

Noun + noun collocations refer to two nouns that often appear together, such as "taxi driver" or "dog food." These can be either fixed or freer, depending on the context.

Adverb + adjective collocations are an example of freer collocations, such as "strongly disagree" or "totally oblivious." In these examples, other adverbs could be used with the adjective to convey different shades of meaning.

C. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the brackets.

Answer 👉 

a. I asked him if he was attending the ceremony and he shook his head ‘no’. (shook/moved/ nodded)

b. They made a horrible decision which caused irreparable damage to our company. (hopeless/inflexible/irreparable)

c. The leaders need to break down barriers so as to create favorable environment in the nation. (barriers/obstacles/hindrances)

d. You ought to talk to the manager to settle the dispute. (solve/settle/clear up)

e. Perhaps this issue will not get much media coverage. (security/examination/ coverage)

f. This week is the first week of Joan as an in-charge. Everything is running smoothly. (smoothly/calmly/easily)

g. I haven’t read the text thoroughly, but given a quick glance. (fast/quick/rapid)

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Class 11 English Guide


Answer the following questions.

a. Why did millions of Palestinians leave their country?

Answer 👉 Millions of Palestinians left their country due to various historical and political factors, including the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the 1967 Six-Day War, and ongoing conflict and violence in the region. Many Palestinians were forced to flee their homes due to conflict and violence, while others left in search of better economic opportunities.

b. How is the global culture formed? Is cultural identity possible even in the global culture? Justify.

Answer 👉 Global culture is formed through the exchange and sharing of cultural practices, beliefs, and values among different countries and regions. Cultural identity is possible even in the global culture, as individuals can maintain their own cultural traditions and values while also being influenced by and adopting elements from other cultures.

c, Why can moving from one side of the world to the other be an economic challenge for newcomers?

Answer 👉 Moving from one side of the world to the other can be an economic challenge for newcomers because they may face obstacles such as language barriers, lack of job opportunities, cultural differences, and limited access to social services.

d. How can immigrants foster economy at different magnitudes of scale in their new homes?

Answer 👉  Immigrants can foster the economy at different magnitudes of scale in their new homes by starting businesses, creating jobs, and contributing to the local economy through their work and consumption. They can also bring new ideas and skills to the local economy, and their diverse perspectives can help drive innovation and growth.

e. Can immigrants fully integrate in the new societies? Give reasons.

Answer 👉 Immigrants can fully integrate into the new societies, but it depends on various factors such as their own efforts to adapt, the welcoming attitude of the host society, and the availability of resources and support to help them integrate. Some immigrants may face difficulties integrating due to cultural differences, discrimination, and language barriers, but with time and effort, they can overcome these challenges and become fully integrated members of the new society.

f. Mention any two benefits of integrating into a new society for the immigrants.

Answer 👉 Two benefits of integrating into a new society for immigrants are increased access to social and economic opportunities, and the ability to build a new life and community. Integration can also help immigrants feel more connected to their new home and improve their sense of belonging.

g. Why should the immigrants run in concordance with global culture?

Answer 👉  Immigrants should run in concordance with global culture because it can help them to better understand and integrate into the new society. By adopting cultural practices and values that are widely accepted in the new society, immigrants can improve their chances of success and feel more connected to their new home. Additionally, by participating in the local culture, immigrants can enrich the cultural diversity of the community and contribute to the global exchange of ideas and practices.

Critical Thinking

a. Do you think that the local is globalised and the global is localised? Can there be the global culture as well? Give examples.

Answer 👉 The local and the global are interconnected and interdependent in today's world. With the rise of technology and communication, ideas, goods, and people move freely across borders, creating a globalized world. At the same time, globalization has also allowed for local cultures to assert their presence and influence the global culture.

For example, a globalized food culture has emerged, where cuisine from different countries is now widely available in many other countries. At the same time, traditional foods and cooking methods are being preserved and celebrated, resulting in the local becoming a part of the global culture.

However, the concept of a global culture is a complex and debated topic. Some argue that there is a homogenization of cultures and that traditional cultures are being lost, while others argue that globalization has allowed for cultural exchange and hybridization, leading to the creation of a new, global culture.

b. What is globalisation? Discuss the effects of globalization on traditional cultures.

Answer 👉  Globalization refers to the process of increased interconnectedness and interdependence of economies, societies, and cultures worldwide. This is achieved through advancements in transportation, communication, and technology, which have made it easier to exchange goods, ideas, and people across borders.

The effects of globalization on traditional cultures have been both positive and negative. On the one hand, globalization has led to the exchange and sharing of cultural traditions, beliefs, and values across the world. On the other hand, it has also led to the homogenization of cultures, as dominant cultures and values spread and displace traditional cultures.

For example, the spread of multinational corporations and western media has led to the global consumption of similar products and media content, which can impact local cultures and traditions. At the same time, globalization has also allowed for the preservation and revival of traditional cultures and practices, as communities use new technology and media to share their cultural heritage with others.

c. Discuss the impacts of globalization on the process and progress of education in Nepal.

Answer 👉  

The impacts of globalization on education in Nepal have been significant. On the one hand, globalization has increased access to education and knowledge, as new technology and communication have made it easier to connect with people and resources from around the world. On the other hand, globalization has also created new challenges for the education system in Nepal, such as the need to keep pace with changes in technology and the job market, as well as the need to provide education that is relevant and up-to-date.

For example, the growth of the Internet and online education has increased access to education and resources in Nepal, but it has also increased competition for jobs, as students in other countries have access to the same information and resources. Additionally, globalization has created the need for education systems to prioritize skills and knowledge that are relevant to the global job market, such as proficiency in English and computer skills.


Write a news story to be published in a newspaper about a local festival/fair you have witnessed.

Answer 👉  

"Dashain Festival Brings Joy and Unity to Local Community"

Yesterday, a colorful and lively Dashain festival took place in the heart of the city, attracting crowds of locals and visitors alike. The festival, which is one of the largest and most significant celebrations in the Nepalese culture, was marked by a week-long fair filled with food stalls, games, and cultural performances.

As soon as I arrived at the festival grounds, I was greeted by the sounds of traditional music and the smells of delicious food. The atmosphere was electric with excitement, as families gathered to take part in the festivities. Children could be seen playing games, laughing, and enjoying the carnival rides, while adults mingled and caught up with old friends.

One of the highlights of the fair was the cultural performance stage, where local artists and musicians showcased their talents in front of a captivated audience. Traditional dances, songs, and instruments were on display, providing a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the Nepalese people.

In addition to the entertainment, the festival also served as a showcase for local businesses and artisans, who set up stalls selling everything from hand-crafted jewelry and textiles to traditional foods and drinks. The festival was a great opportunity for these small businesses to showcase their products and connect with new customers.

Despite the large crowds and lively atmosphere, the festival was also marked by a sense of unity and community spirit. People of all ages, backgrounds, and religions came together to celebrate their shared cultural heritage and to enjoy the festivities.

In conclusion, the Dashain festival and fair was a resounding success, bringing joy, culture, and community spirit to the local area. It is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the Nepalese people and a celebration of the strong bonds of unity that exist within the community.


B. Complete each sentence using what/how/where/whether + one of these verbs:

Answer 👉  

a. Do you know how to get to Rama’s house?

b. I don’t know whether to apply for the job or not.

c. Have you decided where to go for your picnic?

d. Can you show me how to use this camera?

e. Ask Hari. He’ll tell you how to ride a bicycle.

f. I was really astonished. I didn’t know how to ride on the horse.

C. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb in brackets as in the example.

Answer 👉  

a. Mahesh forgets to close the windows. (tend)

Mahesh tends to forget closing the windows

b. Your car has broken down. (appear)

Your car appears to have broken down.

c. Ashika is worried about her exam. (seem)

Ashika seems to be worried about her exam.

d. They have developed the theory. (claim)

They claim to have developed the theory.

e. He’s enjoying his new job. (pretend)

He pretends to be enjoying his new job.

All Class 11 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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