Class 11 English Section I Unit - 5 Life and Love

Book Soluction Nepal

Section I 

Unit - 5

Life and Love

Ways with words

A. Match the words with their meanings.

a. exhausted👉  tired

b. apparent 👉  clear

c. vista 👉 vision

d. undulating👉  wavy

e. destined 👉  predetermined

f. stuffy 👉  suffocating, airless

g. restrain 👉  prevent, hinder

B. Write the meaning and word class of the following words. Then use them in sentences of your own.

Answer 👉

implore - verb - to beg or plead with someone earnestly or desperately

Example: She implored him to come back to her, but he didn't listen.

despair - noun - a feeling of hopelessness and loss of faith in one's ability to succeed or be happy

Example: The thought of losing his job filled him with despair.

beseech - verb - to beg or plead with someone in a humble or emotional manner

Example: She besought him to stay with her, but he had made up his mind.

eloquent - adjective - having or characterized by fluency and grace in speaking or writing

Example: His speeches were always eloquent and thought-provoking.

whirl - verb - to turn rapidly or swirl around

Example: The leaves whirled in the wind.

egoism - noun - excessive concern for one's own interests and welfare, often at the expense of others

Example: His egoism was evident in the way he always put himself first.

agony - noun - intense physical or mental pain

Example: The sight of his injured dog brought him to agony.

delirious - adjective - characterized by confusion and wildly uncontrolled thoughts or behavior

Example: The fever had made him delirious.

delusive - adjective - tending to deceive or mislead; deceptive

Example: The promise of easy riches proved to be delusive.

compensate - verb - to make payment or restitution to someone for a loss or wrong suffered

Example: The company compensated the workers for the overtime they had put in.

mortgage - noun - a loan secured by property, typically a house

Example: She had taken out a mortgage to buy her first home.

brood - verb - to think deeply about something that makes one unhappy or worried

Example: He brooded for hours about what he could have done differently.

prelude - noun - an action or event that serves as an introduction to something more important

Example: The concert was just a prelude to his upcoming tour.

D. Choose the correct word.

Answer 👉 

a. Sarita was shocking/shocked to hear about earthquake.

b. I think that rainy days in winter are depressing/depressed.

c. The football match was very exciting/excited. I enjoyed it.

d. The meals at Delight Café are satisfying/satisfied.

e. I’ve got nothing to do. I’m boring/bored.

f. Tanka is very good at telling funny stories. He can be very amusing/amused.

g. The teacher’s explanation was confusing/confused. Most of the students didn’t understand it.

h. He is such a boring/bored person. He never wants to go out.

i. I will be surprising/surprised if she does well in her test.

j. Are you interesting/interested in politics?

E. Write the correct form of the adjective in the blanks as in the example.

Answer 👉 

a. They frustrate me but they don’t bore me. I never get bored when I study grammar.

b. If teachers want to interest the students, they must use interesting materials.

c. Certain stories interest almost everybody. For example, most students are interested in fairy tales.

d. Certain things frighten me, but I never get frightened when I speak English.

e. If I get a good grade, that excites me. And if I get more than ninety percent, I am really excited.

Class 11 English Notes and solution

Understanding the text

Answer these questions.

a. Who was Nellie? What did she use to dream of?

Answer 👉 Nellie is a character in the story "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man" by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Nellie is the wife of the protagonist, the "ridiculous man." Nellie used to dream of a happy, simple life.

b. What was she doing with the looking glass?

Answer 👉  In the story, Nellie is described as looking at herself in a looking glass, admiring her own beauty and appearance.

c. Why did she go to the doctor on one winter night?

Answer 👉Nellie went to the doctor on one winter night because she was feeling unwell and needed medical attention. 

d. What was Stepan Lukitch doing when she reached his bedroom?

Answer 👉 When Nellie reached Stepan Lukitch's bedroom, he was sleeping.

e. Why was the doctor not ready to go to see her husband?

Answer 👉 The doctor was not ready to go to see Nellie's husband because she was tending to her own children, who were also unwell.

f. Why did Stepan Lukitch suggest Nellie to go to the Zemstvo doctor?

Answer 👉 Stepan Lukitch suggested Nellie to go to the Zemstvo doctor because he believed that the doctor would be better equipped to handle her case, as he had more experience and training.

g. Nellie said, “Come, perform that heroic deed! Have pity on us!" What was that pity to be done?

Answer 👉 The "heroic deed" that Nellie was asking for was for the doctor to cure her husband, who was also unwell. Nellie was pleading for the doctor to have pity on them and help them.

h. When Nellie said, "I must have fallen asleep." What does it mean?

Answer 👉 When Nellie said she must have fallen asleep, it means that she was in a state of unconsciousness or dozed off.

i. What is the main theme of the story?

Answer 👉 The main theme of the story "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man" is the search for meaning and purpose in life, and the realization that happiness can only be found through love and compassion for others. The protagonist's journey towards this realization is the focus of the story.

Critical thinking

a. “The looking glass (mirror)” is used as a symbol in the story. What does it symbolise?

Answer 👉 The looking glass symbolizes Nellie's inner state and her longing for escape. It represents a window into a world of imagination and dreams, where she can escape the mundane and boring reality of her life. The looking glass serves as a metaphor for Nellie's inner yearning for adventure and excitement, as well as her desire to escape the constraints and expectations placed upon her by society.

b. Chekhov employs the magic trick in the story, using a very elegant transition from reality to imagination to reality sequence. Discuss its relevance to life of young people.

Answer 👉 The relevance of the magic trick to the life of young people can be seen as a commentary on the challenges and difficulties that they face as they navigate the transition from childhood to adulthood. The transition from reality to imagination and back again is a common experience for many young people, who may feel trapped or limited by the expectations placed on them by society. By using this magic trick, Chekhov highlights the importance of creativity and imagination in helping young people to overcome the challenges they face and find new ways to express themselves and their desires. Additionally, the elegant transition from reality to imagination and back again emphasizes the power of imagination and creativity, as well as the importance of embracing both the real world and the world of imagination in order to find a sense of balance and fulfillment in life.


B. Match the expressions with their functions.

Answer 👉 


A: What do you want to take?

B: I’ll have tea, please.



A: Are you free this evening?

B: No, I’m going to meet my uncle.

Expressing a prior plan

c. The day will be lovely tomorrow.

Predicting a future action

d. There is no cloud in the sky.

It’s going to be a lovely day.

Predicting with evidence

e. Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.


f. I’ll take you to the movies if you like.


g. I’ll tell your parents what you did.


C. Choose the correct answer.


A: Are you busy this evening?

B: Yes, I am going to the movies. (will go/am going to)


A: Where are you going for holiday this summer?

B: Not sure yet. Maybe I will go to Ilam. (will go/am going to)

c. I think you will like this movie. (will /are going to)

d. I can’t join you at the party, I am going to be away for two weeks. (will /am going to)

e. This exercise looks really hard. I will help you. (will/am going to)


A: Hello. Can I speak to Sima, please?

B: Just a minute. I will get her. (will/am going to)

g. Perhaps she will pass the exam. (will/is going to)

h. ‘I haven’t got my phone.’ ‘That’s OK. I will lend you mine.’ (will/am going to)

D. Complete the sentences using will or be going to with the verbs.

Answer 👉 


Hari: Did you call Bina?

Prem: Oh, I forgot. I will call her now. (call)


Sunita: Have you got a ticket for the play?

Hema: Yes, I am going to watch it on Saturday. (watch)

c. ‘The alarm is ringing. It’s making an awful noise.’ ‘OK, I will switch it off.’ (switch)

d. Do you think they will like the the presents we got for them? (like)

e. ‘Lok is starting university tomorrow.’ ‘What is he going to study?’ (he/study)

f. If I meet him, I will tell him the news. (tell)

g. The phone is ringing. I will answer it. (answer)

h. If you don’t stop bullying her, I will tell the teacher. (tell)

All Class 11 English Book Solution Link Unitwise

Section I : Language Development

Section II : Literature
Unit - 1 Short Stories

Unit - 2 Poems

Unit - 3 Essays

Unit - 4 One Act Plays

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